

SharePoint is a cloud-based collaborative service.

It enables departments, schools, and project members to share and collaborate with other faculty/staff, students, and researchers. With SharePoint, you can create collaborative websites that can be used to share files, assign tasks, start blogs, calendars, manage workflows, etc., from anywhere — at the office, at home, or from a mobile device.  

SharePoint FAQ

How do I access?

All Office 365 applications can be accessed through the Office 365 Portal at

Getting Started

UMB is rolling out SharePoint and Teams as part of Office 365 to create the ultimate modern workspace. The Modern Workspace utilizes Microsoft Teams and Groups and has many additional features available, including:

  • Rolled-up news and site activities
  • Shared search across related sites
  • Cross-site navigation
  • Easier to collaborate and share information and services with others
  • Ability to move/reorganize sites if a department/project needs to move to another area

Teams and SharePoint work together to create the ultimate collaborative experience. If your department or project group are interested in using SharePoint, please complete the Teams request form.

Adding Files to SharePoint

There are two options when adding content to SharePoint, depending on whether you want to keep metadata (file properties such as date created/updated, last updated by, etc.). Before moving large quantities of files, such as a share drive, it is recommended you analyze the content to determine if it is still needed, elminiate duplicates/outdated content, etc. Uploaded files will be stored in document libaries — the document library will automatically inherit the same permissions defined for the site; however, you can customize permissions for each document library if you would like to adjust who can edit and/or view it.

Document library

Note: When creating a new document library, the document library name should not have any spaces. You can adjust the name and add a space after it is created.  For more information, see ‌file naming standards

Security Information

Adjusting who can view or edit content in your site using security, these SharePoint Permissions Instructions provide an overview of how permissions between SharePoint and Teams work  For more information:

HIPAA/File Security compliance:

  • 0365 files are only HIPAA compliant as long as they remain on the O365 cloud servers (once a user downloads a file locally, it it outside of Microsoft's compliance coverage). Newer version of O365 do not automatically download O365 files locally when using “open in [desktop client application]” so opening in the desktop client is also acceptable.
  • While you can limit download functionality for restricted view permissions or disable download when sharing as “read only,” there is no way to restrict download for any users with edit capabilities.
  • To ensure that HIPAA compliance is maintained, it is recommended that sensitive files should be opened/updated using the browser version (Word/Excel, etc.) or opened using the desktop client, but do not download the files locally to a PC. Since you can’t guarantee users won’t download a file, we can only offer guidance that users should not download them. If guidance alone is not secure enough for your needs, then it is recommended to password-protect individual files, which removes the ability to co-author.

Sharing Content with External Users:

Stay Informed

Share content with others beyond your Team using Communication Sites

Improve Collaboration using additional features

Web parts help improve collaboration; read the following for an Overview of SharePoint Web parts



News (web part)

If your SharePoint site is connected to other communication (hub) sites, then using the News web part can be used to share news and events:



Pages can be used as internal web sites in SharePoint to add information and link to other content such as documents, calendars, lists, etc., using a large selection of web parts.


Syncing Document Library