Christa Natoli

Headshot of a woman in a suitChrista Natoli is Executive Director of CTeL Innovations, where she is responsible for developing CTeL’s strategic mission. Christa provides direct legal, regulatory, policy and consultative research services to the telehealth, investment, employer and tech community.


Christa has extensive policy experience and knowledge in the areas of physician and nurse licensure, Internet prescribing, e-consultations, Medicaid reimbursement, mHealth, and international telemedicine. As CTeL’s Executive Director, she has led research efforts on these topics. She is a published author and noted lecturer and speaker.

Christa also is the founder of the Telehealth4Ukraine Coalition, where she convened leading experts in the telemedicine community to produce a dynamic database of healthcare clinicians and translators that humanitarian organizations can utilize for virtual humanitarian healthcare efforts in Ukraine and the surrounding region.

Before serving as CTeL’s Executive Director, she assisted in editing former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s best-seller, Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West, for which she received a special thank you in the book’s acknowledgments. She is a graduate of Harvard University.