Customer Billing

Quantum Customer Billing is used to bill an individual or entity for goods or services provided by UMB departments.

Common examples are training, lab space, research services, etc.  Quantum Customer Billing is to be used when the revenue received will be credited to a non-sponsored source (i.e. Source Codes other than 285 and those that begin with “3”.  Bills for grants and contracts are generated by Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC).

What is the Difference between a Customer Bill and a NONPO Invoice?

Customer Bill

  • Receipt from a third party is due to UMB (cash inflow).
  • UMB department creates and sends a customer bill to the third party.
  • Contact for questions:  General Accounting

NONPO Invoice

  • Payment from UMB is due to a supplier (cash outflow).
  • UMB department creates and sends a NONPO invoice to UMB Disbursements to process the payment of the third-party invoice.
  • Contact for questions:  Disbursements
