Foundation Account Administration

To request a new account (project) with the UMB Foundation there are specific criteria that must be met:  

  • Endowed accounts require a completed and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a $25k minimum funding level to open a new account. Gifts to endowments are subject to the requirement that the principal be maintained and invested to create a stream of income.  Endowments are intended to exist in perpetuity. Only a portion of the earnings are normally expended to benefit the program or activity designated by the donor. 
  • Current use accounts operate with the intention of expending the funds in the near future or short term. Donors may make an unrestricted gift or may designate their gift for a specific purpose or program. To open a new current use account there must be a unique purpose and $5k minimum. If the funds can be awarded from an existing current use account, that is the preferred method. In this case it is possible to use an appeal code to fundraise for a specific purpose within the current use account. It is not necessary to have a named account to make an award in the donor’s name. 
  • If it is a grant fund, the grant proposal routing and release process must be followed, it must be determined that the funds will be going to UMBF, and the appropriate paperwork (grant agreement, SPA release, budget, etc.) must be submitted.  

New Account Request Procedure

If the above criteria are met, you may submit a new account request here: and select “Account Administration.”

It can also be found by navigating to the UMB Foundation website and following the UMB Foundation Financial Operations and Gift Administration side bar to the Finance and Account Operations section where there is a direct link to the form:

Here you will be given the options to create a new account, edit an existing account, or request to close/inactivate an account.

After selecting “New Account” you will be directed to a fillable form where you must provide the following information:

  • School/Area (select from drop down)
  • Department (type in text box)
  • Account Type (see definitions at the end of the document; grant accounts are Current use)
  • GiveCampus is UMB’s giving site. Select “yes” if this fund is able to accept other donations and you would like it to appear on the website. It can be visible under the School’s drop down choices or “hidden but searchable,” which means it will only appear when the name of the account is typed in the search bar.
  • A detailed purpose; the purpose should be detailed enough to determine appropriate expenditures from the account.
  • Expected types of expenditures (ex: salary/fringe reimbursement, travel, scholarships, etc.)
  • Source of funding and amount

Please upload any relevant documentation to the account: grant agreement, pledge agreement, MOU, MOA, relevant and important communication with the donor, etc.

Next, you will be asked to select a primary account administrator: theses are individuals who are responsible for the account, often an individual in the accounting/finance department who can run reports from FE or who will submit the EDRF request.

Then, you can select the authorized signers on the account. These should be individuals who are authorized to approve disbursements requests, such as the dean, assistant dean of finance, department chair, senior administrator, or director of finance. There should be more than one account signer on each account. Begin to type the last name in the text bar and the individual will appear as long as they have a UMID or are listed in the community system.

Finally, submit your request and it will be reviewed by the Foundation. The Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy will receive the request for review prior to the Foundation.

No expenditures will be permitted from the account until a fully completed form is received in the University of Maryland, Baltimore Foundation (UMBF) office. 

Account Information Change Request Procedure

Changes to current use account information can be requested using the same form as requesting a new account; just select “edit account” you will be given a search bar to enter the project ID.

Then you will be able to choose from the following edit options:

  • Edit Basic Fund information (name, purpose, department, etc.)
  • Upload documents
  • Edit Primary Administrator
  • Edit Signature Authority

If you wish to make this request for an entire department or School, use the Upload Documents function to upload the details of your request. For instance, a spreadsheet with the list of accounts to be changed, what they currently are listed as, and what they should be changed to.

After selecting “Next” you will be prompted to choose an approver for your request. The approvers are individuals with signature authority. If you are the primary administrator your request will go directly to the Foundation.

Close/Inactivate Account

You may only close an account when it has a zero balance. A low balance must be spent in accordance with their purpose or transferred to an account with a similar purpose using the PaperSave EDRF system. Please contact with any questions. All grant accounts requesting a low balance transfer must include their grant agreement to show that there is no clause requiring the return of unspent funds.

After selecting “Next” you will be prompted to choose an approver for your request. The approvers are individuals with signature authority. If you are the primary administrator your request will go directly to the Foundation.