Founders Week Awards Criteria

Here is the process the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) uses to select its annual five Founders Week award winners: Researcher of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Educator of the Year, Public Servant of the Year, and Student of the Year:

General Criteria

  1. Description of the individual in terms of academic, professional, or public achievement. The nomination letter should include the following:
    • Demonstrate that the scope of the individual’s work/effort is worthy of recognition relative to peers in their chosen field.
    • Demonstrate recognition by other disciplines at this University.
    • Show how the candidate’s recognition serves the University’s mission.
    • Personal factors that reflect significant strength of character.
  2. Internal letter of recommendation solicited by the preparer of the application.

Nomination Packet and Final Decision

Nominations for each award should include a letter of recommendation from the person nominating, one additional letter from a colleague, and the nominee’s CV/résumé.

The UMB president and provost will make the final decision for each category. Winners will be announced prior to Founders Week and celebrated at a reception in their honor during the week.

DEADLINES: Nominations for the 2024 Researcher, David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur, Educator, Public Servant of the Year, and Student of the Year awards must be submitted by mid July.

Researcher of the Year Award

View Specific Criteria 

  • A committee will be formed that is composed of research deans from each UMB school.
  • Each research dean will nominate a researcher from their school.
  • The committee will review the nominations and send three nominees to the UMB president and provost.

Specific Criteria for Researcher of the Year

Strength of research accomplishment in terms of:

  1. Scope of the work: years of investigation; extent of science citation; and impact of the findings on clinical practice and/or public policy, advancing basic biomedical or public policy research, or academic scholarship.
  2. Extent to which the work contributes to the strategic research plans of the school in which it is housed and to the Universitywide mission.

DEADLINE: Please submit nominees no later than Friday, July 26 to: James Hughes, Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Officer and Senior Vice President, at:

David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur of the Year Award

View Specific Criteria 

  • A committee will be formed by UMB’s chief enterprise and economic development officer.
  • The committee will put out a call for nominations, review the nominations, and send three nominees to the UMB president and provost.

Specific Criteria for David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur of the Year

This award recognizes an outstanding faculty member whose creativity and persistence have made tangible progress in solving a critical health or social problem. Examples may include commercializing a research discovery or engaging in social entrepreneurship to deliver health or human services to underserved populations. UMB faculty, staff, and research collaborators may champion nominees for this award. Faculty may also nominate themselves. Nominations should address the following criteria:

  1. Nomination Letter (not to exceed three pages)
    • Nominee’s professional achievement
      • Scope of the individual’s work and effort
      • Accomplishments supporting the mission of UMB
      • Personal factors reflecting significant strength
    • Entrepreneurial activities
      • Creativity and importance of the nominee’s work
      • Potential impact on society
      • Success at overcoming obstacles
      • Collaboration with nonacademic entities, including businesses, foundations, and government agencies

DEADLINE: Please submit nominees no later than Friday, July 26 to: James Hughes, Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Officer and Senior Vice President, at:

Educator of the Year Award

View Specific Criteria 

  • The Faculty Senate will put out a call for nominations, review the nominations, and send three nominees to the UMB president and provost.

Specific Criteria for Educator of the Year

  1. Past national and/or local teaching awards
  2. If available, multidisciplinary curriculum development or contributions toward course development
  3. Innovative methods or approaches to teaching
  4. Student-initiated applications, evaluations, and student endorsements*

*To encourage student-initiated applications, UMB should promote information on the teaching award to the appropriate student organizations at the Universitywide and school levels. Senators could be instrumental at the school level.

DEADLINE: All Educator of the Year Awards must be sent via email to Celeste Gerhart no later than Friday, July 26. Email any questions and full nomination packets to Celeste Gerhart at

Public Servant of the Year Award

View Specific Criteria 

  • The Staff Senate will put out a call for nominations, review the nominations, and send three nominees to the UMB president and provost.

Specific Criteria for Public Servant of the Year*

  1. Extent to which the service fulfills the University’s mission and strategic plans
  2. Extent to which the candidate’s public service is a public health or social policy issue
  3. Extent to which the candidate’s public service addresses the unmet needs of underserved health, school, and social service populations of Maryland, particularly among the disadvantaged

DEADLINE: All Public Servant of the Year Awards must be sent via email to the Staff Senate Executive Board no later than Friday, July 26. Email any questions and nominations to

Student of the Year Award

View Specific Criteria 

  • The UMB chief student affairs officer and the schools’ student affairs deans will put out a call for nominations, review the nominations, and send the top three nominees to the UMB president and provost.
  • The award committee will consist of representatives from the Student Affairs deans, UMB Division of Student Affairs/Office of the Provost, and the University Student Government Association.

Specific Criteria for Student of the Year

Individuals from the Student Affairs deans’ offices within each school will serve as the champions charged with preparing the materials for their student nominees. The champion should address the award criteria, which includes addressing the student's demonstrated leadership and impact through formal or informal roles, their academic excellence, and their advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.

  1. Nomination letter from a Student Affairs dean that describes the student and their achievements in terms of the following:
    • Demonstrated leadership and impact through formal or informal roles within the school, University, and/or community.
    • Academic excellence through research, honors, continuing education, certifications, presentations, publications, and/or participation in professional organizations.
    • Advancement of the University’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice values and priorities.
  2. Letter of recommendation from an additional individual. This letter should address:
    • Demonstrated leadership and impact through formal or informal roles within the school, University, and/or community.
    • Advancement of the University's diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice values and priorities.
  3. A copy of the student’s résumé or CV.

The nomination process is now closed.