Applying for Health Professions Loans

  1. Create a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID at 
    The PIN is used to electronically sign financial aid documents with the Department of Education, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Master Promissory Notes (MPN). It also is used as a login for Department of Education websites.
  2. Yearly requirements that must be completed by incoming and returning students
    • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): 
      Federal Title IV Code: 002104
      The FAFSA is the official application of the Department of Education to determine eligibility for Federal Student Aid and most state and University aid. The deadline for Health Professions Loan consideration is March 1 (form goes live October 1) for prospective (even if not yet accepted) and returning students.
      Please Note: You must list your parent’s income and asset information and have their signature on the initial transaction of the FAFSA to be eligible for the Health Professions Loan — this is required of all dentistry and pharmacy students interested in the Health Professions Loan regardless of age or dependency status.
    • Visit SURFS to accept the loan
      Students receive an email to their University email account (or email listed on their FAFSA for incoming students) once they are awarded aid instructing them to log on to SURFS to accept their awards.
    • Turn in Signed Copies of Student and Parents IRS Tax Return Transcripts 
      This is required of all students who are awarded a Health Professions Loan, regardless of age or dependency status. If you or your parents did not file federal income taxes, then you must turn in W2 forms and the Non-Tax Filer Form. All documents should be based on the FAFSA tax year, for 2022-2023 we need 2020 tax documents.
    • Sign Master Promissory Note and Complete Truth in Lending Forms at 
      Students will receive an email from a company called ECSI once the counselor has confirmed their eligibility for the loan. The email will direct students to log in and complete a series of Truth in Lending Forms and also a Master Promissory Note for the Health Professions Loans.