Sponsor Notices

NIH Resources

Contacting Staff at the NIH Institutes and Centers

NIH Funding Strategies - NIH’s approach to grant funding and updates on key budget policies

NIH Matchmaker tool - Enter manuscript abstracts, research bios, or other scientific text, and retrieve a list of similar projects from the RePORTER database or identify NIH program officials whose portfolios include projects in your research area.

NIH Data Book - answers frequently asked questions about NIH research funding, such as summary statistics on grants and contract awards, grant applications, organizations that NIH supports, trainees and fellows supported through NIH programs, and the national biomedical workforce.

Links for NIH policies, blogs and more 

NIH Upcoming Changes in Grant Administration

NIH eRA Commons Video Tutorials

NIH resource: Information for Research Administrators

NIH RePORT - access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH supported research

Podcast: Understanding FOIA

Public Access of Publications

The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) system supports creation and maintenance of the new NIH biosketch as well as the NSF biosketch format. Use your eCommons username and password to log in.

Open Mike: Blog by Dr. Michael Lauer, NIH's Deputy Director for Extramural Research

NIH Research Matters: A weekly update of research highlights from the National Institutes of Health

Subscribe to NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts

NIH Notices - General

General information, notices, and reminders from NIH 

NOT-OD-21-056 — Notice of Legislative Mandates In Effect for FY 2021

NOT-OD-21-058 — Notice of Fiscal Policies in Effect for FY 2021

NOT-OD-21-073 — Upcoming Changes to the Biographical Sketch and Other Support Format Page for Due Dates on or after May 25, 2021

NOT-OD-21-109 — Expanding Requirement for eRA Commons IDs to All Senior/Key Personnel (targeting due dates on or after January 25, 2022)

NOT-OD-21-013 —  Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing - supplemental information is linked within this notice

NOT-OD-20-174 —  Reminder: NIH Policy on Use of Hypertext in NIH Grant Applications

NOT-OD-20-155 — Upcoming Changes to the Notice of Award (NoA) Beginning October 1, 2020

NOT-OD-19-109 — Requirement for ORCID iDs for Individuals Supported by Research Training, Fellowship, Research Education, and Career Development Awards Beginning in FY 2020
Related blog post: Linking ORCID Identifiers to eRA Profiles to Streamline Application Processes and to Enhance Tracking of Career Outcomes

NOT-OD-19-106 — Notice of the Publication of Revised NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules.
Complete version of the amended NIH Guidelines

NOT-OD-18-011 — Statement on Article Publication Resulting from NIH Funded Research and related blog post, "Continuing Steps to Ensuring Credibility of NIH Research: Selecting Journals with Credible Practices"

NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative — Policy notice NOT-OD-17-101 — Consistent with the directives of the 21st Century Cures Act, the Next Generation Researchers policy requires institutes and centers to prioritize awards that will fund Early Stage Investigators and Early Established Investigators.

Procedure for withdrawing an application

Check continuous submission eligibility for appointed members of NIH peer review and advisory councils/boards

Brochure from NIH/OLAW: What Investigators Need to Know About the Use of Animals

NOT-OD-16-071 — Requirement for the Appropriate Signatures on NIH Forms and Official Documentation

NIH Notices - Human Subjects

NIH policies and resources related to human subjects research 

NOT-OD-19-110 - Guidance on Posting Informed Consent Forms for NIH-Funded Clinical Trials. For clinical trials conducted by or supported by a Federal department or agency, the Revised Common Rule (Subpart A of 45 CFR 46) requires the posting of an IRB-approved consent form on a public federal website designated for posting such consent forms - see Section 46.116(h).

NOT-OD-19-050 — NIH Implementation of the Final Rule on the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule)

NOT-OD-18-222 — Fixed Amount Award Definition and Implementation for Clinical Trials. Clarifies fixed amount versus fixed rate agreements.

NOT-OD-18-126 — Reminder: Updated Appendix Policy Eliminates Clinical Trial-Related Materials for NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Applications Submitted to Due Dates on or After Jan. 25, 2018

NIH NOT-OD-18-116 — Revision: NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects

NOT-OD-17-118 — NIH Announces New Review Criteria for Research Project Applications Involving Clinical Trials

NOT-OD-17-109 — Notice of Changes to NIH Policy for Issuing Certificates of Confidentiality (effective 10/1/2017)

Does your human subjects research study meet the NIH Definition of a clinical trial?

Four questions researchers involved in human studies need to ask, and answer

Clinical trial requirements for grants and contracts

NIH Notices - Proposals

NIH policies and notices related to grant proposals 

Application Guide - includes form instructions and links to due dates and other information

Online learning module for Vertebrate Animals section of NIH proposal

NOT-OD-20-061 - Updated Guidance for Videos Submitted as NIH Application Materials

NOT-OD-18-228 — NIH & AHRQ Announce Upcoming Updates to Application Instructions and Review Criteria for Research Grant Applications

Related notice:  NOT-OD-18-229, Career Development award applications

Related notice:  NOT-OD-18-227, Fellowship award applications

NOT-OD-17-068 — Reminder: Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

NOT-OD-17-041 — Impact of Washington, D.C., Area Federal Office Operating Status on NIH Grant Application Due Dates

NOT-OD-17-035 — New Appendix policy for NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Applications submitted for Due Dates On or After Jan. 25, 2017

NOT-OD-17-098Updated Appendix Policy Eliminates Clinical Trial-Related Materials for NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Applications Submitted to Due Dates on or After Jan. 25, 2018

NOT-OD-18-126 — Reminder: Updated Appendix Policy Eliminates Clinical Trial-Related Materials for NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Applications Submitted to Due Dates on or After Jan. 25, 2018

NOT-OD-17-030 — NIH & AHRQ Update Font Guidelines for Applications to Due Dates On or After Jan. 25, 2017

NOT-OD-17-023 — Revised SF424 (R&R) Application Guides and Supplemental Instructions Available

Public Health Relevance StatementNIH’s Commitment to Basic Science

NIH and AHRQ: Implementing Rigor and Transparency 

Resources for investigators and administrators:

NIH Extramural Nexus posts:

NIH Training Module on Rigor and Transparency

Rigor and Reproducibility

NIH NOT-OD-16-011 — Implementing Rigor and Transparency in NIH & AHRQ Research Grant Applications

NIH NOT-OD-16-012 — Implementing Rigor and Transparency in NIH & AHRQ Career Development Award Applications

These updates are in effect for most NIH research grant applications (including small business and complex research grant applications) and contract proposals.

Please read through both notices NOT-OD-16-011 and NOT-OD-16-012 as well as the listed related notices including NOT-OD-16-058, "NIH & AHRQ Grant Application Changes for Due Dates On or After Jan. 25, 2016".

NIH Notices - Reporting

Information about NIH grant reporting 

NIH data sharing information

NOT-OD-21-102 - Reminders of NIH Policies Related to Closeout

NOT-OD-19-108 - Required Use of the xTRACT System to Prepare Data Tables for Training Grant Research Performance Progress Reports in FY 2020. Beginning with RPPRs due on or after October 1, 2019 (FY 2020), recipients must create the required training data tables for submission with NIH and AHRQ T15, T32, T90/R90, and TL1 progress reports via the xTRACT system. 

NOT-OD-18-160 — Financial Conflict of Interest: Investigator Disclosures of Foreign Financial Interests

NOT-OD-18-103 — NIH will Make the Project Outcomes Section of all Interim and Final RPPRs Submitted on or After Oct. 1, 2017 Available via the NIH RePORTER

NOT-OD-17-085 — Final Research Performance Progress Report (F-RPPR) replaces the Final Progress Report (FPR) for grants closeout. An Interim-RPPR is required if a competing renewal application has been submitted. Forms are available in eRA Commons. NIH RPPR website

NOT-OD-16-066 — Reminder: All Subject Inventions Must Be Reported on the HHS 568 - Final Invention Statement and Certification (For Grant or Award) and in iEdison — UMB information on invention disclosure

NIH Notices - Salaries and Stipends

Resources related to salaries and stipends on NIH grants 

NIH Salary Cap — NOT-OD-22-076 — Effective January 2, 2022, the Executive Level II salary cap increased to $203,700.

NOT-OD-22-108 — Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2022

NOT-OD-21-074 - Announcement of Childcare Costs for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellows

NOT-CA-20-047 — Revised and Corrected Notice on Policy Regarding Minimum Level of Effort for NCI-Funded Awards

NOT-OD-18-154 — Summary of Leave, Part-Time and Extension Policies Available to Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) Trainees and Fellows

NOT-OD-16-054 — New Salary and Research Cost Allowances for K08 and K23 Career Development Awards

NOT-OD-18-157 — Career Award (K) Policy Update: Concurrent Support from a Mentored K Award and a Research Grant

NOT-OD-18-156 — Career Award (K) Policy Update: Temporary Adjustments to Percent Effort or Part-Time Institutional Appointment

Other Sponsor Notices and Announcements

 Library of Congress blog post: How to Contact Your Representative or Senator: A Beginner’s Guide

NSF Public Access information and policy FAQs 

NSF Current and Pending Support links

NSF — Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide, effective October 2021

NSF-approved biographical sketch and current/pending support formats, via SciENcv

U.S. Government Accountability Office report: Federal Research Grants: Opportunities Remain for Agencies to Streamline Administrative Requirements, publicly released July 22, 2016

NOT-HS-16-008AHRQ Announces New Policy for Public Access to AHRQ-Funded Scientific Publications

NSF Policies and FAQs