ICTR Dissemination and Implementation Core
The mission of the UMB ICTR Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Core is to help the researcher move clinical translational research findings beyond the academic and scientific communities and out to the general community where it can have the most impact in reducing health outcome disparities. Without considering how to disseminate and implement findings out into the general community in the early phases of research protocol design, the information risks stopping at the scientific publication or presentation and fails to reach the intended population and/or general public.
Many funding organizations are now requiring dissemination of results as standard practice, making it imperative to think about dissemination from the very beginning of a research idea. The UMB ICTR D&I Core engages the researcher early in the research protocol design and will work with those researchers who have completed their research and are struggling with how to move the results into the community.
Faculty from JHU, UMBC, and UMCP, please email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu with inquiry about how to access ICTR resources.
D&I Services
- Best fit data source and study tools
- Proper measures for study implementation
- Target funding sources
- Dissemination methods
- Dissemination targets
- Building boards for implementation and dissemination
- Identifying key stakeholders for dissemination
- Cost-effectiveness assessment
- Audience segmentation for implementation and dissemination
- Consultation on writing up a D&II section in grants
- Consultation on types of data needed and operationalization of variables for D&I
- D&I orientation for new research faculty and members of research teams
- Creation a D&I think tank with and advisory board
- Creation of a Special Interest Group on rare diseases
- Publication guidance
- Audience segmentation: Organized for distinct stakeholders (researchers, patients, trainees, community collaborators
- "Story telling"
- Data visualization
- Pictographs
- Data animation
- Social media
- Creative arts for communicating data and results
- Reports and webinars, including learning platforms providing access to an “on-demand” research video library.
How to Apply
Use your UMID to log in to the ICTR Resource Request webpage to access the link to the application (developed in REDCap).
PLEASE NOTE! You must be ready to use any service you select on the request form. Services cannot be encumbered for future use.
For questions, please email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu.