Gregory Brightbill

Empowering Tomorrow's Professionals: Exploring Micro-Credentialing and Micro-Learning in Graduate and Professional Education

In the evolving landscape of higher education, there is an increasing demand for adaptable and personalized learning experiences in graduate and professional education. A recent study by UPCEA (2023) revealed a significant surge in the micro-credentialing market, rising from 334,114 in 2018 to over one million. A parallel study by Coursera (2023) highlighted that 90% of students and recent graduates consider micro-credentialing a crucial factor when selecting academic programs and universities.
This interactive workshop is designed to guide participants through the dynamic intersection of graduate education and micro-learning. We'll explore the concept of micro-credentials, which are bite-sized, competency-based credentials empowering learners to efficiently acquire specific skills or knowledge. By incorporating micro-credentials, institutions can provide flexible and industry-relevant programs that cater to the diverse needs of today's learners. Further advice will be provided by the workshop presenter, Gregory A. Brightbill, EdD, MBA, Med, the mind behind UMB's micro-credentialing initiative, The Learning Institute. Recently, The Learning Institute celebrated the achievement of awarding its 1900th digital badge. This initiative provides UMB students, staff, and faculty access to a range of free, asynchronous, and online micro-courses.

In light of the increasing demand for adaptable and personalized learning experiences in graduate and professional education, this interactive workshop will  guide participants through the dynamic intersection of graduate education and micro-learning. We'll explore the concept of micro-credentials, which are bite-sized, competency-based credentials empowering learners to efficiently acquire specific skills or knowledge.

Learning Objectives: Understanding Micro-Credentialing: Participants will be able to comprehend the fundamentals of micro-credentialing, assessing it

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding Micro-Credentialing: Participants will be able to comprehend the fundamentals of micro-credentialing, assessing its significance in delivering tailored, on-demand learning opportunities for graduate and professional students, and understand best practices for designing micro-credentials that align with industry needs, academic standards, and learner expectations.
  • Understand the Components and Application of Micro-learning: Participants will acquire the ability to discern the components of micro-learning and evaluate its applicability in graduate and professional education.
  • Understand a Grass-Roots Approach to Micro-Credentialing: Participants will learn about The Learning Institute’s innovative and collaborative approach to developing micro-credentials and how educators can follow a similar approach when identifying and developing micro-credentials for their graduate and professional students.