James T. Hill Scholarship

In recognition of James T. Hill's long and outstanding service to the University and his personal commitment to the professional development of UMB employees, a $2,000 educational scholarship is presented annually to a deserving employee.

The scholarship must be used to support an individual employee's professional development expenses related to certifications, vocational and trade schools, colleges and universities, and specialty training.

Who is eligible? 

  • Staff employees (regular exempt and non-exempt) with a minimum of two years' continuous employment at the time of nomination.
  • Recipient must be in good standing with the university (minimum of meets expectations on PDP).
  • Previous award recipients from within the past five years are ineligible.

Award criteria 

  • History of demonstrated professional development activities.
  • Clearly articulated vision for how the opportunity will support your goals. 
  • Supervisor approval of your scholarship application.

Application process 

Complete the James T. Hill Scholarship application packet, which includes the following: 

  • A letter of support from your supervisor.
  • An optional recommendation letter from a personal reference.
  • Documentation of the program of interest (program brochure, website, registration form, etc.)
  • A statement of purpose that expresses why you are applying for this award. Responses should outline previous professional development activities and address how this opportunity supports your personal and career goals, as well as the impact it may have on your team, the university, and/or the community (500-700 words).

How is the winner selected? 

By an internal review committee representing various campus departments managed by Human Resource Services.

Award timeline and frequency 

This is an annual award. Scholarship applications will be available in November 2024 and must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Award winners will be notified early spring. 

What does the winner receive? 

  • $2,000 check.
  • Certificate signed by the UMB President.
  • Engraved award.
  • Announcement in The Elm.
  • Recognition at the Annual Service Awards luncheon.

James T. Hill Scholarship Application