Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

The following University policies, procedures, and guidelines promote occupant safety and reduce the risk of fire at UMB. 


Fire Extinguisher Icon

Door with an arrow

No Smoking Sign

UMB Policy on Fire Safety

Outlines the basic elements of an effective fire safety program and defines areas of responsibility for University operating units and personnel.

UMB Policy on Emergency Egress Safety

Mitigates the safety concerns of University buildings to ensure safe egress and minimize hazards to firefighters. 

UMB Non-Smoking Policy

Prevents adverse health effects; protects and enhances outdoor and indoor air quality; prevents smoking-related fires. 


Icon with arrow that says

Saw Icon

Man Talking Icon

Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Provides directions for how to respond to fire alarm activations and emergency building evacuations.

Hot Work Procedures

Prevents injury, loss of life, and loss of property from fire or explosion as a result of hot work at UMB. Fill out a Hot Work Permit

Fire Watch Procedures

Assigns a person(s) to an area for the express purpose of protecting the public from fire and life-safety dangers.


Sterno icon

Scooter Icon

Spatula icon 

Chafing Fuel Use and Storage

Guidelines for the use and storage of chafing fuel (i.e., Sterno).

Micromobility Devices (Coming Soon)

Outdoor Cooking

Fire safety guidelines for outdoor cooking.



Fire Pit Icon

Space Heater Icon

Tent Icon

Portable Outdoor Fireplaces

Guidelines for the use of portable outdoor fireplaces (e.g., fire pits).

Portable Space Heaters

Guidelines for the use of portable space heaters.


Guidelines for the erection of tents larger than 200 ft2.