Protect UMB (COVID-19 Pledge)

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) community’s dedication to improving the human condition calls upon each of us to be vigilant against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by protecting one another.

I pledge, with shared accountability as a member of the UMB community, to be responsible for my health and considerate of the health of others to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following University requirements and guidance.

I pledge to:

  • Make health and safety a priority every single day. I will consider faculty, staff, students, and the community in every decision I make.
  • Be aware of COVID-19 testing requirements that may be required of me to return to campus.
  • Keep abreast of changes in University, local, state, and federal laws and guidelines regarding COVID-19.

  • Research my options and ensure my understanding of the seasonal influenza vaccine.
  • If unvaccinated (or if I choose), I will implement personal prevention behaviors (such as wearing a face covering and physical distancing).
  • If vaccinated, I will wear a face covering and physical distance where required, and acknowledge that volunteering to wear a face covering can provide added protection to myself and others.

Specifically, I will:

  • Implement frequent handwashing:
    • Wash my hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with 60 percent alcohol
    • Wash my hands after contact with “high touch” surfaces
  • Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick
  • Use the Point-of-Use Cleaning Carts in buildings
  • Stay home if I am sick

If I am experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, believe I have been exposed to, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19, I pledge to:

For more University updates on COVID-19, please visit

For more University updates on COVID-19, please visit