Community Service Award

The Community Service Award recognizes excellence by UMB employees in their commitment to improving the lives of others through community service on the local, national, and international levels.

Who can nominate? 

Staff or faculty. Self-nominations are welcome.

Who can be nominated? 

  • Staff employees (regular exempt and non-exempt) with a minimum of two years of continuous employment at the time of nomination.
  • Recipient must be in good standing with the university (minimum of meets expectations on PDP).
  • Previous award recipients from within the past five years are ineligible. 

Nomination criteria 

  • Volunteerism—either on campus or off—that benefits a community, school, or community-based nonprofit organization. Service must be unpaid and consistent. Nominees receive no direct compensation or benefits for the service.
  • Demonstrated impact of the service to the community and outcomes achieved.

Nomination process 

Complete the nomination form describing the community service activities and their impact. A CSA Volunteer Verification Form is required to validate service.  

How are winners selected? 

By an internal review committee representing various campus departments managed by Human Resource Services.

Award timeline and frequency 

This is an annual award. Applications will be available in November 2024 and must be submitted by January 31, 2025.  Award winners will be notified early spring. 

What does the winner receive? 

  • $750
  • Certificate signed by the UMB President.
  • Engraved award.
  • Announcement in The Elm.

Community Service Awards Nomination