Policies and Procedures

Title IX Policy and Procedures

UMB is committed to a working and learning environment that is free from sex and gender-based discrimination.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex or gender, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, as well as retaliation for reporting Title IX-prohibited behaviors or participating in Title IX processes. Through our policies and procedures, UMB not only fulfills its regulatory requirements, it also communicates the expectations UMB has for our community, the actions required, or requested, of our community if they experience or observe sexual misconduct, and the actions our community can expect from UMB when it receives reports of sexual misconduct.

Reporting Requirements

Under the UMB Policy on Sexual Misconduct, all UMB employees, including students employed by UMB, who learn of or observe conduct that they regard as a violation of the policy are required to report it to the Title IX Coordinator or Official with Authority. Reports made through UMB’s Hotline are considered to be made to the Title IX Coordinator. UMB encourages students to report any experienced, witnessed, or suspected violations of the policy. 

Reports of Sexual Misconduct may be made to UMB using any of the following options:

1. Report by phone, email, or U.S. mail to the Title IX Coordinator:

Stephanie Suerth
Acting Title IX Coordinator
Office of Accountability and Compliance
620 West Lexington Street, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201

2. Officials with Authority

3. Report via the UMB Hotline:

Online: UMB Hotline 
Telephonically: 866-594-5220


The Clery Act Reporting

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that sex offenses reportable under the Clery Act (20 U.S.C. §1092(f)) are reported in a timely manner to the UMB Police Department. An optional form for making the report can be found on the UMB Police website. Data collected for Clery Act reporting is to be used to increase public safety, not to identify the victim; therefore, personal identifying information is not required.