Editor Buttons

Capital B Icon for Bold Bold Changes the text to bold
Capital I Icon for Italicize Italics Changes the text to italics
Capital U Icon for Underline Underline Underlines the text
Align left icon that are bold lines Align Left Justifies the text to the left
Align center icon that are bold lines Align Center Justifies the text to the center
Align Right icon that are bold lines Align Right Justifies the text to the right
Justify icon that are bold lines Align Justify Justifies the entire text
The word Format with a drop-down arrow Styles Allows you to apply custom styles
The word paragraph Paragraph Text format options for headings, paragraphs, etc.
Two papers next to each other with the word copy Copy Copies text to the clipboard
Pair of scissors next to the word cut Cut Cuts text and places it on the clipboard
The paste icon next to the word paste Paste Pastes content from the clipboard
Paste as text spelled out Paste Plain Text Pastes text in plain text format
Select all spelled out in text Select All Selects all content
Insert External Link spelled in plain text along with a chain icon Insert Web Link Inserts a web link or links to an anchor
Broken Chain Icon Unlink Removes a link
Insert Anchor spelled in text along with a banner icon Insert/edit anchors Allows you to set anchors
Source Code Icon with two brackets Edit HTML source Allows you to edit the HTML
Find and Replace text spelled out Find/replace Finds and replaces words in the text
Unordered List format icon of lines and circles Unordered list Inserts a bulleted list
Ordered List with numbers and lines Ordered list Inserts a numbered list
Increase indent with black lines and an arrow pointing right Indent Indents the selected text
Decrease indent Icon with black lines and an arrow pointing lwft Outdent Outdents the selected text
Blockquote written out in text Block quote Defines a block quotation within a text
Undo word spelled out with a curved arrow pointing left Undo For undoing the last change
Redo word spelled out with a curved arrow pointing right Redo For redoing the last change undone
Horizontal Line Icon, black line in the middle Insert horizontal rule Inserts horizontal rule
Subscript Icon with an X with a two in the bottom right hand corner Subscript Changes text to subscript
Super Script Icon with an X and a two in the top right hand corner Superscript Changes text to superscript
Extend Window icon wiht black dots forming a triangle Enlarge editor Maximizes the editor
Insert Section Link in text next to an open folder icon Insert section link Allows you to insert a link to a section
Insert Content Link spelled in text along with a piece of paper Insert content link Allows you to insert a link to a piece of content
Image Icon with a mountain and a circle Insert media Insert item from Media Library
Eraser Icon rectangle half black and white Remove all formatting Removes all text formatting (1 of 2)
Clear Formatting Icon with a capital T and an underline under the T with an X connected to that underline Clear Formatting Removes all text formatting (2 of 2)
Table spelled out in textTable Icon with multiple boxes formed together with a black long rectangle at the top Insert new table Allows you to insert an accessible table into your content
Fullscreen spelled in plain text Go Fullscreen Allows your edited content to go fullscreen
Visual Aid icon, black checkmark Apply Visual Aid Allows the user to see lines or other visual aids in an editor
Strikethrough icon with an S and a horizontal strike through it Strikethrough Applies a strike-through text
Select all spelled out in text Select All Selects all text within the editor