Public Safety Policies


UMB Policy Prohibiting Weapons

Public Safety   |   Approved April 30, 2010

Responsible VP/AVP

Dawn M. Rhodes, DBA, MBA

Applies to Faculty, Staff, Students

Revision History

Adopted June 28, 1994; Amended March 27, 2008; April 30, 2010

Policy Statement

1. The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) prohibits the carrying of guns, firearms, ammunition, other weapons, or replicas of weapons at the UMB campus and in any other locations owned, rented, occupied or used by and under the control of UMB. This prohibition applies to employees, students, invitees, tenants, visitors, and other persons on UMB properties. Employees and students also are prohibited from carrying guns, firearms, ammunition, other weapons, or replicas of weapons at any off-campus location where they are assigned as part of employment or educational experience.


2. Exception: (a) UMB Police Officers and other law enforcement officers whose official duties require them to be at the UMB campus or at other locations owned, rented, occupied or used by and under the control of UMB may carry guns, firearms, ammunition, and other weapons consistent with this law enforcement responsibilities and in compliance with the rules and regulation of their employing agencies. (b) An individual only with prior written approval from the UMB Chief of Police may display or engage in a demonstration using a weapon or replica of a weapon for educational purposes.


3. Violations of this policy should be reported immediately to the UMB Chief of Police or, in the Chief’s absence or unavailability, to the UMB Police Department.


4. Employees or students in violation of this policy are subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion. Other persons in violation of this policy will be barred from the campus or other UMB locations for violation of this policy.


5. Criminal sanctions for violation of State, federal or local law relating to guns, firearms, ammunition, and other weapons will be sought where applicable.

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