Featured Experts

Katherine Marconi, PhD, MS

Katherine MarconiDr. Marconi is a senior lecturer in the University of Maryland Graduate School. She serves as director of the Implementation and Dissemination Science Certificate and teaches in the Global Health Systems program. She has a PhD in sociology and a master’s degree in health information management.

Her career spans global and local public health, focused on the evaluation and epidemiology of HIV prevention, care, and treatment and other disease programs. She retired from the University of Maryland Global Campus as associate vice dean in the Graduate School Business and Management Department and chair of their Health Informatics Administration Program. Previous positions include organizing and directing Strategic Information for PEPFAR – The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, U.S. State Department, and the Office of Science and Evaluation for the Ryan White CARE Act — the U.S. HIV treatment and care program in the Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services.

She has represented the U.S. on UNAIDS, WHO, and The Global Fund committees. Evaluating the effectiveness of health programs serving and organized by women, including maternal and child health programs has been a common thread throughout her career. Marconi has published 30-plus articles and co-edited “Big Data and Health Analytics.”

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