
2017 Faculty Non-Instuctional Productivity Survey
Completion Status by School         Status as of June 15, 2017, 6:30 AM
School Eligible Faculty No. Submitted % Submitted No. Outstanding No. Approved % Submitted Approved Total % Approved
School of Social Work 82 41 50% 41 24 59% 29%
School of Medicine 1202 495 41% 707 313 63% 26%
School of Law 47 17 36% 30 0 0% 0%
School of Dentistry 107 56 52% 51 27 48% 25%
School of Dentistry Completion Status            
Department Eligible Faculty No. Submitted % Submitted No. Outstanding No. Approved % Submitted Approved Total % Approved
SOD Dental Public Health 6 6 100% 0 5 83% 83%
SOD Div of General Dentistry 14 8 57% 6 0 0% 0%
SOD Endodontics and Prosthodontics 14 8 57% 6 4 50% 29%
SOD Microbial Pathogenesis 6 3 50% 3 3 100% 50%
SOD Neural and Pain Sciences 14 6 43% 8 0 0% 0%
SOD Office of the Dean 4 2 50% 2 0 0% 0%
SOD Oncology & Diagnostic Sci 19 5 26% 14 5 100% 26%
SOD Oral Maxillo Surgery 9 8 89% 1 7 88% 78%
SOD Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry 9 2 22% 7 0 0% 0%
SOD Periodontics and Dental Hygiene 12 8 67% 4 3 38% 25%
Total 107 56 52.3% 51 27 48.2% 25%
School of Medicine Completion Status            
Department Eligible Faculty No. Submitted % Submitted No. Outstanding No. Approved % Submitted Approved Total % Approved
Anatomy & Neurobiology 13 13 100% 0 12 92% 92%
Anesthesiology 64 42 66% 22 26 62% 41%
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 33 30 91% 3 28 93% 85%
Dermatology 3 1 33% 2 0 0% 0%
Diagnostic Radiology 57 18 32% 39 16 89% 28%
Emergency Medicine 64 22 34% 42 0 0% 0%
Epidemiology & Public Health 38 16 42% 22 0 0% 0%
Family Medicine 24 10 42% 14 0 0% 0%
Medical and Research Technology 6 1 17% 5 1 100% 17%
Medicine 297 98 33% 199 91 93% 31%
Microbiology 42 21 50% 21 7 33% 17%
Neurology 49 18 37% 31 13 72% 27%
Neurosurgery 12 4 33% 8 0 0% 0%
OB-GYN 43 9 21% 34 0 0% 0%
Ophthalmology 15 14 93% 1 13 93% 87%
Orthopaedics 27 12 44% 15 10 83% 37%
Otorhinolaryngology 16 16 100% 0 15 94% 94%
Pathology 37 16 43% 21 15 94% 41%
Pediatrics 94 42 45% 52 42 100% 45%
Pharmacology 12 5 42% 7 0 0% 0%
Physical Therapy 13 9 69% 4 0 0% 0%
Physiology 26 9 35% 17 0 0% 0%
Psychiatry 75 26 35% 49 24 92% 32%
Radiation Oncology 53 15 28% 38 0 0% 0%
Surgery 87 28 32% 59 0 0% 0%
Total 1200 495 41.3% 705 313 63.2% 26%