Assessment Tools

The assessment tools included below are designed to be used by health professionals and are not recommended for use by a lay person. If you are not a health professional, we encourage you to discuss the tools with your health care provider(s).

American Psychological Association: The American Psychological Association (APA) provides links to resources to assess common concerns in both older adults, including cognitive assessment tools, and care providers, including the Zarit Burden Interview – a tool designed specifically to reflect the stresses experienced by caregivers of persons living with dementia. 

ConsultGeri: ConsultGeri is the evidence-based clinical website of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. It is your gateway to tools validated for use to assess/screen for a variety of geriatric topics, including depression, activities of daily living (ADLs), alcohol & substance abuse, instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), cognition, fall risk, hearing, and age-friendly health systems.

Montreal Cognitive Assessment: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MCoA) test is a validated and most sensitive tool available to assist healthcare professionals detect cognitive impairments very early on, allowing for faster diagnosis and patient care.

Practicing Physicians Education in Geriatrics: The Practicing Physicians Education in Geriatrics developed the linked toolkit to support community-based physicians and other healthcare professions providing care and services to older persons. The toolkit includes screenings for memory, depression, urinary incontinence, heart failure, persistent pain, falls, and information related to clinical preventative services.