
Instructor-led Concur training is ongoing for an undetermined amount of time. Instructor-led training is open to the campus. Register for classes in the Training Enrollment Database.

Because Concur is a cloud-based application, updates occur frequently. Keep this in mind when using training materials, as they will be updated, as necessary, with system changes. The Date on the end of a tutorial’s title indicates its last revision.  You should always check that you are using the latest version of a tutorial. You may wish to revisit these materials before you create Concur travel forms.

Concur Roles

Concur Roles Descriptions

Concur Roles 1-30-2023-final


Concur System Tutorials

Learn how to create and approve Concur Travel and Expense forms using tutorials found here: Concur Travel and Expense System Tutorials


Recordings of Instructor Led Training Classes

Creating Travel Requests in Concur

Approving Travel Request and Expense Forms in Concur

Booking in Concur

Creating Travel Expense Reports in Concur


Video Tutorial Series

Per Diems and Travel Allowance

Approval Workflow

Enter SOAPF and Project Information

Locating Approved Reports

Creating an Expense Report from an Approved Request

Itemizing Hotel Expenses

Travel Request – International Trip Expense Type

Accessing Reporting

Using Reporting

Booking a Flight in Concur

Creating Personal Mileage Expense

Multi-City Travel Request

Travel Request Cost Allocation

Expense Report Cost Allocation

Finding Your Department Travel Admin

Missing Receipt Declaration

How to Change From Book in Concur to Agent Assist



Reporting Workshop

Concur Report Descriptions


Recordings of Concur Info Sessions

Traveler Session

Approver Session


Getting Started and Navigating Concur:

Concur Common Icons and Buttons

Concur Travel Glossary of Terms


Helpful Job Aids

Concur Travel and Expense Naming Conventions

Concur Install the TripIt App

Concur Install the SAP Concur App

Concur Setting up your Profile

Concur Setting your Delegates

Concur Setting up your Travel Assistant

Concur Acting as a Delegate or Travel

Concur Non-Employee Set Up and Booking

Exception Booking Explainer

Event Manager Job Aid

Non-employee Personal Car Mileage in Concur

Common Errors when booking in Cocur