Parking Procedures

Carpooling Services & Benefits

Administration, Parking   |   Approved January 13, 2016


Register for carpooling benefits and services including guaranteed ride home.


Faculty and staff at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) seeking carpooling services from the UMB Parking and Transportation Services.

UMB offers free guaranteed ride home service for those who carpool, vanpool, walk or take public transportation to campus.


Commuter Connections 

  1. UMB's Guaranteed Ride Home program provides commuters with a FREE and reliable ride home up to four times per year via a cab or rental car.
  2. To register visit Commuter Connections.

UM CommuterPOOL Program

  1. Develop a car pool.
    1. Review rules on UM Commuter program including but not limited to:
      1. Each carpool at least four times per week;
      2. Carpools should comprise of 3 or more riders; and
      3. Share one parking permit with a designated drive (participants may share driving responsibilities).
    2. To find someone to carpool with, visit the RideShare website.
  2. Applications can be picked and submitted to the Cashier’s Office SMC Campus Center Lower Level, Room 002.
  3. All the participants must return their parking permits to the Cashier's Office at SMC Campus Center Lower Level, Room 002, in order for the designated driver to receive the carpool permit and access card for the group.
  4. Once processed, the authorized vehicle may then park in the Carpool Zone located on fourth level Lexington Garage.
    1. When the garage attendant sees 3 or more individuals in the car they will issue passes or two daily tickets, which coincide with the daily Lexington St. Garage ticket.
    2. Customer will receive part of the carpool pass, while the garage attendant will keep the remaining half.
    3. Display passes on the driver’s dashboard.
    4. Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis.
  5. If you have questions or concerns, contact the manager of Transportation Demand Management and transportation services at 410-706-1275.

ZipCar (Service is not operated by UMB)

  1. Register as a member through the UMB ZipCar website.  
  2. Reserve a car online or by phone. Vehicles are parked in reserved spaces in the Fine lot, the Koester Main lot, and in the Pratt Street Garage.
  3. Use Zipcard to enter the car and follow all agreed upon ZipCar terms.


  1. Sign up through the RideShare website. To register and login, must use UMID and password.
  2. If applicant is not an employee paid through UMB or a register student, then the user must be added to the System as an affiliate. Contact CITS for additional support.
Fill out my online form.