
Note: Some of the revenue accounts are defined within a range of accounts instead of individually.


Account Category Definition
0050-0199 Tuition and Fees Includes all tuition and fees (e.g., Academic Services Fee, Auxiliary Facilities Fee) assessed against students for educational purposes. Tuition & fees must be recorded as revenue even though it has been waived or remitted. The amounts of such remissions or waivers. would be offset with an entry to expenditures and classified as scholarships or fellowships or as staff benefits associated with the appropriate expenditure category to which the personnel relate.

NOTE: Not included in this category are auxiliary and recreational facilities.

0200-0299 Appropriations Appropriations include:

1. All unrestricted amounts received for current operations from, or made available to the university by legislative acts, and

2. All restricted amounts from sources mentioned in 1 above to the extent expended for current operations.

NOTE: Not included in this category are governmental grants and contracts.

0300-0399 Gifts, Contracts and Grants:
This category includes:

1. Amounts from non-governmental organizations and individuals, including funds resulting from contracting for the furnishing of goods and services of an instructional or research nature.

2. All unrestricted grants as well as restricted grants and contracts from non-governmental sources to the extent expended in the current fiscal year for current operations.

3. All unrestricted amounts received or made available by grants and contracts from governmental agencies for current operations.

4.All amounts received or made available through restricted grants and contracts to the extent expended for current operations.

NOTE: Not included in this category are gifts, grants and contracts from foreign governments. They should be treated as private gifts and contracts.

0400-0420 Indirect Cost Recoveries Includes indirect cost reimbursement received from Federal government and other sponsors of organized research.
0500-0549 Sales & Services: Educational Departments This category includes:

1. Revenues that are related incidentally to the conduct of instruction or research; and

2. Revenues from activities that exist to provide an instructional and laboratory experience for students and that incidentally create goods and services that may be sold to the students, faculty, staff, and the general public. The type of service rendered takes precedence over the form of agreement by which these services are rendered. Examples of revenues of educational activities are film rental, sales of scientific and literary publications, testing services, and sales of products and services of dairy creameries, poultry farms, etc.

0550-0599 GAAP Revenue
(FS Use Only)
Revenues that is accrued for Financial Statement purposes ONLY. Accounts in this category cannot be used when processing transactions in PS.
0600-0609 Contracts & Grants Revenue Revenues generated by any type of contract and/or grant that is set up through the ORD office.
0610-0629 Loan Fund Revenue Revenue generated through any type of student loan.
0630-0639 Scholarships Revenue generated through any type of student scholarship.
0640-0649 Federal Work Study Revenue Revenue generated through the student Federal Work Study program.
0670-0679 General Construction Loans Revenue generated through GCL capital appropriations.
0680-0689 Retirement of Indebtedness Revenue generated through the retirement of debt.
0690-0717 Investment & Endowment Income This category includes:

1. Unrestricted income from endowment and similar funds.

2. Restricted income from endowment and similar funds to the extent expended for current operations.

3. Income earned from investments other than those received from endowment and similar funds.

0719-0740 Sales & Services: National Museum of Dentistry Revenues generated through operation of the National Museum of Dentistry.
Note that the NMD is part of Auxiliary Enterprises.
0718-0899 Sales & Services: Auxiliary Enterprises Revenues generated through operation of auxiliary enterprises including auxiliary facilities and recreational facilities fees. An auxiliary enterprise is an entity that furnishes goods and services to students, faculty, or staff and that charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to the cost of the goods or services. The general public incidentally may be served by auxiliary enterprises. Auxiliary enterprises include residence halls, dining services, intercollegiate athletics, student union, movie theaters, and book center, etc.
0900-0999 Miscellaneous Revenue This category includes:

1. Revenues from lease of University property.

2. Revenues resulting from the late return of library materials.

3. Revenues from copy and microfiche copy machines.

4. Revenues from sale of utilities.

5. Revenues from tickets issued for improper parking on campus.

6. Revenue resulting from the loan of library materials obtained from other colleges or universities or from county libraries.

7. Revenues from the federal government received from the state.

8. Revenues from fees for copies of student transcripts.

9. Revenues from charges to replace ID's.

10. Revenues from sales of items not listed with a specific subcode.

11. Revenues from sale of photographic materials such as films, frames, and albums, and rendering of photographic services.

12. Revenues from Health Center services such as allergy injection, lab work, x-rays, in-patient, pharmacy, and other medical services.

13. Charges for applying for and using the deferred payment plan for student bills.

14. Late fees collected on student bills.

15. Miscellaneous Student fees not recognized under tuition & fees.

16. Revenues from vending machine commissions.

17. Revenues from computer usage, optical scanning, data entry. Programming services, document services, and miscellaneous data processing supplies and services.

18. Revenues from sales of books or publications by campus departments to individuals or organizations outside of the University.

19. Revenues from transfers from other programs, reserves, etc.


Itemized Positions

All positions that have a line item number assigned to them in the State budget are called Itemized Positions. Currently, the exception is account 1020 (this is classified under "Itemized Positions" but does not have a line item number assigned to it in the State Budget).

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
1011 0101 Faculty 9/10 Month Salary expenses for personnel who have a 9/10 month appointment to faculty status and who are paid from Itemized Positions.
1012 0101 Faculty 12 Month Salary expenses for personnel who have a 12 month appointment to faculty status and who are paid from Itemized Positions.
1013 0101 Exempt Staff Salary expenses for personnel who have appointments as associate staff and and who are paid from Itemized Positions.
1014 0101 Non-Exempt Staff Salary expenses for personnel who are employed in the classified staff category and who are paid from Itemized Positions.
1020 0101 Grad Asst-Fellows-Post Docs Salary expenses for personnel who have appointments as graduate assistants and who are not required to do teaching, research, or any other work for the fellowships they receive.
1022 0101 Non-F&A Salary expenses for personnel where all or a portion of the salary is unallowable for F&A purposes.

NOTE:- Series 1000 expense subcode can only be used by the payroll system and on the "TRANSFER OF PAYROLL CHARGES" form. These subcodes cannot be used on any other JV/input form.

Labor & Assistants

Services for which salary expense cannot be charged on a series 1000 subcode (because they are not being paid on an Itemized Position) are called "Labor and Assistants." Salary expenses for this category must be charged on a series 2000 subcode.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
2071 0101 L&A Faculty Salary expenses for personnel who have appointments as faculty.
2072 0101 L&A Exempt Staff Salary expenses for personnel who have appointments as associate staff.
2073 0101 L&A Non-Exempt Staff Salary expenses for personnel employed in the classified staff category.
2074 0120 L&A CWS Student Salary expenses for students who are employed under the Federal College Work Study Program.
2075 0120 L&A Student-Other than CWS Salary expenses for students who are not CWS students.
2080 0101 L&A Summer Salaries Salary expenses for personnel who have appointments as faculty and who are paid for teaching during the summer.
2090 0101 L&A Contractual Employees Salary expenses for personnel who have a contractual appointment as opposed to a regular appointment and not all fringes are paid to them.
2092 0101 L&A Non-F&A Salary expenses for personnel where all or a portion of the salary is unallowable for F&A purposes.


OT/Devaluation/Turnover Expectancy

Overtime reflects hours worked in excess of an employee's normal work week. Turnover implies number of times that various personnel we replaced during a stated period, usually a year.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
2110 0101 Overtime Extra compensation for personnel who work during normal business hours.
2120 0101 Shift Differential Extra compensation for personnel who work on a regularly scheduled shift starting between 2 p.m. and 1 a.m.
0101 On-Call Pay Extra compensation for personnel who must be on-call at times over and above their normal, designated work hours.
0101 FM Labor Reimb Used by Facilities Management to bill their labor costs via journal entry.
0110 Accrued Leave Payout Salary expense paid to personnel upon their termination of employment that equals the value of their accrued annual leave balance at the time of their last regular paycheck.
0101 Cost Sharing Salary Portion of the grant personnel salary expense that is over and above the maximum allowed by Federal regulations.
0199 Cost Sharing Fringes Portion of the grant personnel fringe expense that is over and above the maximum allowed by Federal regulations.
2997 0190 Early Retirement Reduction This represents the amount of the budget reduction that occurs when personnel are allowed the benefit of an early retirement incentive.
2998 0101 Delayed Salary Savings This represents the portion of a COLA or merit salary increase from July 1 until the effective date of the increase.
2999 0101 Turnover Expectancy Salary savings expected from employee turnover.


Fringe Benefits

A pension provision, retirement allowance, insurance coverage, or the cost representing a present or future return to an employee, which is neither deducted on a payroll nor paid for by the employee.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
0199 Non-F&A Fringe Benefits Salary expenses for personnel where all or a portion of the fringe is unallowable for F&A purposes.
2705 0168 TIAA Optional Retirement Employer's contributions for employees enrolled in the Teacher's Insurance Annuity Association (TIAA) retirement system, the TIAA tax deferred retirement system, the TIAA pension system, and the TIAA tax deferred pension system.
2710 0152 Health Insurance Employer's share of the health insurance subsidy payable to the health insurance carrier for those employees enrolled in the health insurance program.
2711 0154 Retiree Health Insurance Retirees health insurance benefits paid by the State and allocated to the University.
2715 0163 Teachers' Retirement Employer's share of contributions for employees enrolled in the Teachers' Retirement System.
2720 0161 Employees' Retirement Employer's share of contributions for employees enrolled in the Employees' Retirement System.
2725 0151 Social Security (FICA) Employer's share of social security payments based an the effective rate and base as provided by Federal law. Also includes employer's share of hospital insurance tax for Federal Civil Service employees of the University.
2755 0163 Teachers' Pension Employer's share of contributions for employees enrolled in the Teachers Pension System.
2760 0161 Employees Pension Employer's share of contributions for employees enrolled in the Employees Pension System.
2769 0169 USM Police Retirement Employer's share of contributions for University System of Maryland police personnel employees only.
2770 0174 Unempl Ins Reg Emp Employer's share of unemployment insurance premium for regular (other than contractual) employees.
2771 0174 Unempl Ins Contr Empl Employer's share of unemployment insurance premium for contractual employees.
2772 0175 Workers Compensation - Employee Payment of premiums paid to the State Accident Fund (the State's workers compensation insurance carrier) by the University to insure themselves against accidental liability to regular (other than contractual) employees covered under the Workers Compensation Laws.
2773 0175 Workers Comp - Contractual Payment of premiums paid to the State Accident Fund (the State's workers compensation insurance carrier) by the University to insure themselves against accidental liability to contractual employees covered under the Workers Compensation Laws.
2774 0176 Workers Comp-Unfunded Liability Payments made to the State Accident Fund (the State's workers' compensation insurance carrier) by the University towards unfunded liability to employees covered under the Workers' Compensation Laws.
2775 0181 Tuition Waiver-Grad Asst Cost of tuition waivers granted to graduate assistants.
2776 0181 Tuition Waiver-Employees Cost of tuition waivers granted to employees of the University (other than Graduate Assistants).
2777 0199 Other Adjustments Any adjustment to an employee's salary that is not listed above or below.
2780 0172 Deferred Comp Match - PEBSCO The portion of the State's matching funds for an employee's deferred comp plan.
2781 0172 Deferred Comp Match - TIAA The portion of the State's matching funds for an employee's deferred comp plan.
2784 0172 Deferred Comp Match - VALIC The portion of the State's matching funds for an employee's deferred comp plan.
2785 0172 Deferred Comp Match - Fidelity The portion of the State's matching funds for an employee's deferred comp plan.


Tech & Special


AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3110 0201 Honorariums Payment to visiting professionals.
3130 0210 Res Study Grants Human research participants.
3140 0299 Prizes and Awards Payments to non-employees for awards and prizes. (These award payments are subject to Federal, State, and FICA tax withholding and should be processed through Central payroll Bureau for employees.)
3150 0216 Royalties Compensation for use of property or right based on an agreed portion of the income arising from such use; e.g. the periodic payment to the owner of land for oil, coal or minerals extracted; to an author for sale of his/her book; to a manufacturer for use of its processing equipment.



This category includes expenses related to a system (e.g. telephone) for communicating, and the technology of the transmission of information (as by printed telecommunication, or the computer).

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3210 0301 Postage & Mail Pertaining to US postage and postal charges (ie., - stamps, letter and parcel costs, charges to postage metered mailing machines).
3220 0302 Telephone Expense Includes usage, service, installation expenses, operation expenses, and communication equipment rental costs.
3221 0302 Telecommunications Allocation Telephone charges paid to UMB CITS by journal entry.
3270 0305 DGS-Telecommunications Includes all costs of telephone lines and equipment etc., which are coordinated through and paid to the Department of Communication Services, Office of Telecommunications.
3285 0306 Cell Phone Expenditures All expenses related to the purchase and ongoing use of cell phones.
3290 0301 Mailing Service Includes the cost of mail services companies like UPS, Airborne Express, etc.



Travel includes expenses related to a trip taken on behalf of the University.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3311 0401 In-State Travel All authorized travel by University and non-University personnel conducted within the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia.
3321 0403 Out-of State Travel All authorized travel only by University personnel conducted within the United States (i.e., - mileage, lodging, fares, meals).
3360 0403 Foreign Travel All authorized travel only by University personnel conducted where the destination is outside the geographical boundaries of the United States.



Food acquired by Dining Services, Rossborough Inn and other University units in the business of preparing food for resale.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3401 0920 Food for Resale Only includes food for human consumption for resale. (i.e., - campus concessions)

Fuel and Utilities

These are expense for energy used to generate heat, light, and power.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3510 0603 Fuel Oil #2 The purchase of any fuel oil designated as Grade #2 used to generate heat or power.
3530 0620 Electricity Metered electricity.
3540 0606 Natural Gas/Propane Natural and propane.
3550 0621 Water/Sewer Utilities usage only, not bottled water.
3590 0608 Steam Metered steam.
3591 0699 Fuel - Other (i.e., - Kerosene)


Motor Vehicles-Passenger Cars, Station Wagons, Carryalls & Vans

Passenger cars, station wagons, carryalls and vans that are used for transportation of persons and personal effects by land.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3610 0701 Purchases - Motor Vehicles The cost of acquisition of a land vehicle.
3611 0701 Rental - Long Term Long term rental, does not include daily rentals, title is not given to the University.
3612 0702 Gas & Oil Purchase of automobile gas and oil for state passenger vehicles.
3613 0703 Maint & Repair For maintenance and repairs made to state owned or state leased passenger vehicles.
3614 0704 Insurance Premiums for insurance on motor vehicles held by the University against accident, death, injury, fire, tornado, theft, and property damage, etc.
3615 0705 Garage Rent Any lots or garages that the University rents (does not own) for the parking or storage of passenger vehicles.
3617 0701 Capital Lease Lease purchase of passenger vehicle, title will eventually be acquired by the University.


Other Land Vehicle

Motor vehicles whose primary purpose is not to transport individuals and personal effects. e.g. trucks, graders, plows, etc.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3620 0701 Purchases The cost of acquisition of trucks, graders, plows, etc.
3621 0701 Leases Refer to the section on LEASE DEFINITIONS above.
3622 0702 Fuel & Oil Purchase of gas and oil for state owned other land vehicles.
3623 0703 Maint & Repair On state owned or state leased other land vehicles.
3624 0704 Insurance Premiums for insurance on all other land vehicles held by the University against accident, death, injury, fire, tornado, theft & property damage, etc.


Contractual Services

A contract is a legally enforceable agreement or promise between two or more parties created by an offer by one party and acceptance by another. Services obtained under a contract are called contractual services.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3702 0899 Non-University Salaries Salary charges that are paid to personnel employeed by someone other than UMB, this the 1XXX account sequence cannot be used.
3703 0899 Non-University Fringes Fringe charges that are paid to personnel employeed by someone other than UMB, this the 2XXX account sequence cannot be used.
3710 0816 Housekeeping Outside contractual services specifically related to any janitorial or housekeeping cost.
3712 0899 Bldg & Road Repairs & Renov. Outside contractual service EXPENSES related to any building, road repairs, and renovation under $5,000. Except for replacement carpet, which CAN BE ANY AMOUNT.
3716 0809 Equip Maint & Repair Any equipment repair and maintenance costs.
3717 0808 Equipment rental Expenses for the rental of equipment not necessary for continuation of the business. (i.e.,-audio visual, postage meters, copiers, etc.)
3718 0804 Printing & Reproduction Contractual service related to any printing or reproduction cost. (i.e.,-photocopying)
3720 0805 Bookbinding/Photo Contractual services specifically related to any bookbinding or photographic costs.
3724 0801 General Advertising Printed or broadcasted (radio or television) advertising and other publicity expenses.
3726 0821 Studies & Consultants Outside services specifically related to any studies and consultant fees.
3728 0899 Freight & Delivery Contractual services specifically related to freight and delivery costs (i.e.,-UPS, Federal Express).
3730 0899 Temp Employment Outside contractual services specifically related to temporary employment service costs. (i.e.,-Kelly Manpower)
3732 0899 Subcontract < $25,000 The portion of expenses for all subcontracts on sponsored grants and contracts that are < $25,000.
3734 0899 Subcontract Expenses > $25,000 The portion of expenses for all subcontracts on sponsored grants and contracts that are > $25,000.
3736 0899 Care of Animals Outside contractual service specifically related to the care of animals.
3738 0899 Grounds Maintenance Any contractual service specifically related to any grounds maintenance. (Landscaping)
3746 0811 Catering Services Catering costs and food not for resale.
3747 0811 Conference Services Contractual services specifically related to any food service and catering cost associated with a conference.
3749 0899 Medical/Physician Services - Internal Medical/physician services provided by another UMB school or department paid by journal entry.
3750 0899 Medical/Physician Services Contractual services specifically related to any medical or dental care costs, including all direct charges for medical and dental care costs by a physician or dentist.
3751 0899 Services - Internal Services provided by another UMB school or department paid by journal entry.
3752 0899 Other Non-data processing contractual service costs which cannot be specifically recorded to any other subcode.
3754 0899 Consortium with F&A Consortium charges with allowable F&A expenses.
3756 0899 Consortium without F&A Consortium charges with unallowable F&A expenses.
3757 0899 Biopolymer Core Services provided by the UMB Biopolymer/Genomics Core Facility paid by journal entry.
3759 0899 Pharmacy Research Allocation UMB pharmacy research services paid by journal entry.
3770 0899 Employee Relocation Personal moving expenses for the relocation of an employee. (This occurs with a new hire into the university or reassignment of employee to a different university.)
3772 0899 Reimbursable Funds Used to identify funds to be transferred to a reimbursable non-data processing center.
3773 0832 Individual Meal Reimbursement The reimbursement of meal expenses to individuals that are not UMB employees.
3775 0899 Facilities Management Services Services provided by UMB Facilities Management paid by journal entry.
3790 0899 Guest Parking Garage expenses related to non-UMB employees whose parking is paid for by UMB.


Contractual Services Information Technology

For definition of "contractual services" see under CONTRACTUAL SERVICES heading.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3881 0893 Hardware Lease/Rental Expenses occurred for lease/rental of administrative data processing or related equipment (i.e.,- CPU, peripherals, etc.).
3882 0893 Hardware Maintenance Contractual expense for maintenance of administrative data processing equipment.
3883 0893 Software Acquisition Acquisition/lease of administrative computer software.
3884 0893 Software Licensing Maint Contractual maintenance on administrative computer software.
3885 0892 Consulting Computer Services Payments to contractor or lessor for services used in administrative data processing environments. (i.e.,- data entry, software development, training and computer usage.
3887 0893 Software Allocation Software provided by UMB CITS paid by journal entry.
3889 0893 Data Use Licensing Acquisition/lease of data.


Supplies, Materials, and Non-Capital Equipment

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
3910 0904 Building Repair parts, lumber, electrical supplies, plumbing, linen, bedding, and general maintenance supplies.
3911 0999 Athletic Supplies purchased for the Pratt Garage gym.
3912 0908 Housekeeping Cleaners, brooms, mops, furniture polish, floor stripper and wax, window cleaners, rug shampoo, and buckets.
3914 0914 Laboratory Beakers, test tubes, utensils, aprons, coats, etc.
3915 0999 Books/Periodicals Books and magazines purchased for the Campus libraries. These items are not for resale.
3916 0902 Office Supplies Stationary, forms, writing materials, etc.
3922 0914 Conference Materials Conference materials such as pencils, paper, brochures, folders, etc. issued to conference participants.
3924 0914 Instructional Matl Purchase of educational and vocational training supplies for students, including textbooks, workbooks, trade tools, etc.
3925 0999 Vet Services Allocation Veterinary services provided by the UMB Central Animal Facility paid by journal entry.
3926 0999 Purch/Care of Animals Purchase and care costs for experimental animals.
3928 0951 Purchases for Resale Items purchased for resale by an enterprise activity (i.e., - computer den) with the exception of food purchase for resale. (Food purchases for resale are included in expense subcode 3400).
3930 0909 Medical Supplies Bandages, adhesive tape, eyeglasses, first aid supplies, as well as surgical and pharmaceutical supplies.
3945 0911 BIORESCO Supplies & materials provided by BIORESCO (freezer program) paid by journal entry.
3946 0911 Med, Drugs & Chem Expenses incurred for the purchase of medicine, drugs, gases and chemicals to be used in lab experiments.
3948 0999 Dupl & Printing Expenses incurred for photocopying and printing supplies.
3950 0999 Audio Visual Expenses incurred for film, transparencies, video tapes for instructional purposes only.
3951 0999 Sensitive items < $500 FOR USE BY PUBLIC SAFETY ONLY.
3952 0999 Other Non data processing supplies and materials costs which cannot be specifically recorded to any other subcode.
3953 0999 Non-Capital Asset (NCA) Equipment or other physical assets with an Acquisition Cost of $1,000 or more, but less than $5,000 per unit and with a useful life greater than one year.
3964 0911 Oxygen & Medical Gas Expenses incurred for gases used on medical patients
3965 0911 IV Solutions Self Explanatory
3967 0911 Radioactive Material Expenses for closely controlled radioactive material. Anyone using this subcode must have the proper authorization from Radiation Safety Department - Environmental Health and Safety indicated on the requisition along with the approved signature.
3975 0990 IT Supplies

Purchase of paper, supplies, and data processing equipment under $1,000

3977 0990 IT Equipment < $5,000 Discontinued, use account 3953, Non-Capital Asset.
3981  0915    
3982  0915    
3983  0915    
3999 0999 Supplies/other - Internal Supplies & materials provided by another UMB school or department paid by journal entry.


Capital Equipment - Data Processing > $5,000

The following subcodes in the 4200 group are to be used to purchase data processing capital equipment, costing $5,000 or more, that replaces existing data processing capital equipment.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4201 1099 Cap Lease Acq A lease purchase whereby title to the word processing equipment is given to the University.
4205 1090 Acad Cap Lease Acq A lease purchase whereby title is given to the University for equipment necessary for academic data processing operations.
4210 1091 Admin Cap Lease Acq A lease purchase whereby title is given to the University for equipment necessary for administrative data processing operations.
4215 1099 Tele Cap Lease Acq A lease purchase whereby title is given to the University for telecommunications equipment related to data processing.
4260 1099 Word Processing Rep. Equip. Used to replace existing equipment including stand alone word processors, microcomputers (purchased under the word processing procurement procedures), printers, OCR equipment, etc.
4275 1090 Academic Rep. Equip. Used to replace existing equipment including computers, tape drives, microcomputers, terminals, printers, air conditioners, power supplies, etc. necessary for academic data processing operations.
4280 1091 Administrative Rep. Equip. Used to replace existing equipment including computers, tape drives, microcomputers, terminals, printers, air conditioners, power supplies, etc. necessary for administrative data processing operations.
4285 1099 Telecommunications Rep. Equip. Telecommunications equipment related to data processing that replaces existing equipment (i.e., - network).
4290 1191 IT Purchase Other Purchases of DP equipment not listed above.


Capital Equipment - Non-Data Processing > $5,000

The following subcodes in the 4300 group are to be used to purchase additional non data processing capital equipment costing $5,000 or more; and also all additional purchases specific to the library.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4310 1115 Office Furniture, fax, room air conditioners and other equipment used in business offices, costing $5,000 or more.
4311 1199 Athletic Equipment Purchase of additional athletic equipment, costing $5,000 or more.
4312 1108 Household Furniture, food preparation, cosmetic cleaning and other equipment, costing $5,000 or more, similar to that found in the average household.
4314 1113 Building/Maintenance Machinery and tools, costing $5,000 or more used in the care and upkeep of buildings and grounds.
4316 1107 Non-Library Books/Periodicals Books and periodicals that are not the property of the Health Sciences Library or the Law Library, and are not to be catalogued by the library.
4328 1107 Software of an Academic Nature FOR USE BY HEALTH SCIENCES AND LAW LIBRARIES ONLY.
4330 1102 Audio Visual Cameras, projectors, loudspeakers, radios, televisions, and other video equipment, costing $5,000 or more, used in the classroom.
4334 1199 Dupl & Printing Machinery, costing $5,000 or more, used for copying documents and printing production.
4344 1107 Med/Lab/Dental Machinery, x-rays, fixtures, and tools used in health treatment of people; includes dental and laboratory equipment, costing $5,000 or more.
4350 1199 Equip < 15 Year Life Self explanatory.
4390 1199 Capital Equipment Lease A lease purchase, costing $5,000 or more, whereby ownership is given to the University.
4399 1199 Other Capital Equipment Purchase of equipment on all State of Maryland Grants and Contracts with a cost greater than $500, and computer workstations on Federal Grants and Contracts with an award date prior to 3/1/97, with a cost between $2,500 to $5,000.


Accrued Expenses

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4401 1399 With F&A Financial statement accruals with allowable F&A expenses.
4402 1399 Without F&A Financial statement accruals with unallowable F&A expenses.



Grants, Subsidies & Contributions

This category includes distribution of grants and subsidies (e.g. educational grants. fellowship grants, etc.) and donations & contributions given by the University.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4601 1204 Student Aid Payments distributed to persons designated and covered under an educational grant.
4610 1204 Tuition Schship/Felship Scholarship/Fellowship
4710 1299 Staff Development Payment for staff education, training and professional development: excludes remission of fees.
4711 1299 Staff Development - Internal Training, conference, or seminar fee paid by journal entry to another UMB school or department.
4740 1299 Research Board Grants Payments to a 10-month University faculty in support of summertime research and development
4799 1299 Other Other grants, subsidies and contributions not otherwise defined.
4830 1299 Remission of Fees Self Explanatory.
4831 1299 Legal settlements and Penalties Costs specifically related to legal settlement.
4840 1299 Staff Benefits Non-US Ctzn Staff benefits for non-US citizens.




AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4851 1299   Cost sharing expenses with allowable F&A costs.
4861 1399   Cost sharing expenses with unallowable F&A costs.


Fixed Charges

Unavoidable overhead, particularly interests costs, amortization of discount on long-term debt and insurance costs. Also includes rent, subscriptions, association dues, and bad debt expense.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
4901 1302 Insurance Paid to State Treasurer All premiums paid directly to the State Treasurer for insurance held by the University against fire, tornado, accident, death or property damage, forgery, surety, and theft (excludes automobile and postal insurance).
4902 1309 Insurance-Non State Treasurer's Office Payments All premiums paid to private insurance companies for insurance held by the University against fire, tornado, accident, death or property damage, forgery, surety, and theft (excludes automobile and postal insurance).
4920 1304 Subscriptions Subscriptions for magazines, newspapers and periodicals.
4930 1305 Association Dues Payment of fees paid for membership of various organizations.
4935 1306 Transfers for Bond Repay Transfers to bond repayments.
4940 1399 Interest Self explanatory.
4970 1301 Rent - Short Term ( < 1 yr) Land, building and other rents.
4974 1301 Rent - Long Term ( > 1 yr) Land, building and other rents.
4999 1399 Other Special licenses (ie.,-Food cart license).


Land and Buildings

Cost of land including original contract price, broker's commission, legal fees, ownership guarantee insurance, real estate surveys, razing an old building, amount paid for accrued or unpaid taxes on land upto the date of purchase, land improvement costs, etc.

Cost of buildings including original contract price or construction cost, expenses incurred in remodeling, reconditioning, or altering a purchased building, excavation or grading costs blueprints and specification costs, and architect & engineer's fees.

AccountAttribute ValueTitleDefinitions
5100 1499 Land Acquisition Acquisition of land, including costs such title abstracts, recording fees, etc.
5105 1499 Land Improvements Costs of improvements which increase the value of land. Includes such items as grading and installation of drainage facilities, construction of new roads, walks, parking areas, retaining walls, recreational areas, fences, and similar improvements, standard and essential landscaping, or other outdoor lighting, etc.
5110 1499 Building - Construction Costs associated with the construction of buildings, parking garages or other real property structures. In addition to erection, installation, or assembly of a new facility or structure; construction also includes additions to, alteration, conversion, expansion or relocation of an existing structure.
5112 1499 Professional Fees - Building Construction Fees of architects, engineers, landscape engineers, surveyors, and other professionals who provide services during all phases of design and preparation of contract documents for the construction of a project and supervision of such construction.
5114 1499 Demolition of Buildings Costs associated with the demolition of an existing building.
5130 1499 Buildings - Additions & Major Renovation Work required to modify or adjust the INTERIOR space arrangement or other physical characteristics of an existing facility or structure so that it may be effectively utilized for its presently designated functional purpose; excluding utilities extension.
5131 1415 Transfers for Construct & Renov Transfers made for construction and renovation of buildings.
5132 1499 Utilities Extension Installation, extension, or replacement of systems for the provisions of sewer, water, and electrical service, power plant facilities, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, elevators, fire escapes, sprinklers, automatic fire alarms, and telephone communications.
5140 1499 Buildings - Fixed Equipment Non-moveable equipment firmly attached to a building structure so as to become a part thereof.
5150 1414 Project Accounting - Design Costs associated with the planning and development of capital projects.
5151 1415 Project Accounting - Construction Costs associated with the planning and development of capital projects.
5152 1415 Project Accounting - Construction Contingency Costs associated with the planning and development of capital projects.
5153 1414 Project Accounting - Project Management Fees Project management fees provided by UMB Facilities Management paid by journal entry.
5154 1499 Project Accounting - Collateral Equipment Costs associated with the planning and development of capital projects (BUDGET ONLY).
5155 1499 Project Accounting Miscellaneous Costs associated with the planning and development of capital projects (BUDGET ONLY).
5230 1499 Improve Other Than Bldg Paving, resurfacing, or construction of roads, sidewalks and parking lots.
5240   Other Capital Expenses - GCL Other expenses for General Construction Loans not listed above.