
Department Table Quick Reference Links
Admin & Finance Nursing SOM Clinical Departments
CITS ORD SOM Center/Programs/ORCs
Comm & Public Affairs Pharmacy SOM Deans Office
Dentistry President's Office Social Work
Development School of Graduate Studies University Operations
Academic Affairs Law SOM Basic Science Departments

NOTE: Please do not use any department code roll-up nodes on any transactions. They are highlighted in gray or light gray.


01000000 - University-Wide
  00006202 - Univ Wide-BFA
  00006203 - Univ Wide-FS
  00006501 - Univ Wide-EHS
  00006503 - Univ Wide-SASS
  00006504 - Univ Wide-CASS
  00006600 - Univ Wide-SPAC
  01001000 - General University Support
    01001010 - Building and Infrastructure
    01001020 - Fringe Benefits
    01001030 - Campus Wide Support
    01001040 - Bio Park and Leases
    01001050 - Campus Commitments
    01001060 - External Charges
    01001070 - Utilities
  01010000 - UM: MPowering the State
    01010010 - SOL at UMCP & USG
    01010020 - IBBR-NIST Program at USG
    01010030 - Center for Biomed Info & Image
    01010040 - UM Ventures
    01010050 - Collaborative Sch. Of Pub Hth
    01010060 - Universities at Shady Grove
    01010070 - Library Service Support
    01010080 - MPower Holding
    01010090 - MPower Seed Grants
    01011000 - UM: MPowering the State
  01020000 - UM Strategic Plan Initiatives
    01021000 - UM SPI - Recurring
    01022000 - UM SPI - One-time
  01030000 - Enterprise Risk Mgmt
    01031000 - ERM - Recurring
    01032000 - ERM - One-time
02000000 - Office of the President
  02100000 - Office of the President, UMB
  02200000 - UMB Counsel
    02201000 - Office of University Counsel
    06205000 - OAG/EAD Support
  02500000 - CURE Scholars Program
  02600000 - VP of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion 
20000000 - Operations & Planning
  20100000 - Operations & Planning
    20101000 - Enterprise Risk & Policy 
    20102000 - Inter Professional Education
  20200000 - Accountability & Compliance
    04400000 - University Accountability
    04500000 - Research Compliance
    20201000 - OAC Office of the VP
    20202000 - Research Integrity
  06900000 - Institutional Research
03000000 - Off of Sr VP for Ext Relations
  02400000 - Office of Community Engagement
    02401000 - Office of Community Engagement
  03800000 - Off of Sr VP for Ext Relations
    03500000 - Communication & Public Affairs
    03801000 - Off of Sr VP for Ext Relations
  03900000 - Government Affairs
    03400000 - Government Affairs
03700000 - Office of VP Philanthropy
  03200000 - Foundation Board Relations
  03300000 - Resource Managment
  03600000 - Philanthropy
04000000 - Office of Academic Affairs
  04100000 - Office of the Provost/OAA VP
  04101000 - Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  04300000 - OAA Campus Life Services
    04301000 - OAA UrecFit
    04302000 - OAA Couseling Center
    04303000 - OAA Scholarships/Financial Aid
    04304000 - OAA Office of the Registrar
    04305000 - OAA Student Affairs
      04305100 - OAA Student Services
      04305200 - OAA Student Gov Association
      04305300 - OAA Student Affairs Programming
    04306000 - OAA Enrollment Administration
    04307000 - OAA Auxiliary Enterprises
      04307100 - UMB One Card
      04307200 - OAA Auxiliary Commission Revenue
      04307300 - Pascault Row
      04307400 - Auxiliary Campus Life
    04308000 - OAA Donaldson Brown Center
    04309000 - OAA Campus Center Operations
      04309100 - Campus Center Administration
      04309200 - Campus Center Event Services
    04310000 - OAA International Services
  04700000 - Health Science & Human Services Library
    04701000 - HS/HSL Library Administration
    04702000 - HS/HSL National Libraries of Med
    04703000 - HS/HSL Computer & Technical Services
    04705000 - HS/HSL Resources Management
    04707000 - HS/HSL Inf/Instruct Services
    04800000 - OAA Inst Research & Planning
    04900000 - OAA International Affairs
05000000 - Office of Research & Development
  05100000 - ORD Office of the VP
  05200000 - ORD Sponsored Programs Admin
  05300000 - ORD Financial Management
  05400000 - ORD Office Technology Transfer
  05500000 - ORD Information Management
  05600000 - ORD Center for Clinical Trials
  05700000 - ORD Economic Development
  05800000 - ORD Ctr for Local Engagement
  05900000 - ORD Ctr MD Advanced Ventures
06000000 - Office of Administration & Finance
  06100000 - A&F Office of the VP
  06200000 - Dept. of Finance & Auxiliary Sv
    06201000 - Office of Senior AVP Finance
    06202000 - Budget & Financial Analysis
    06203000 - Office of the Controller
    06204000 - Business Applications
    06206000 - Change Management and Advisory Services
    06503000 – Strat Sourcing & Acquisition Srv
      06503010 - Office of AVP Bus/Procurement
      06503040 - Strat Sourcing & Acquisition Srv
      06503050 - Logistics Management
        06503051 - Central Receiving/Distribution
        06503052 - Post Office
    06504020 - Central Admin Support Services
      06504021 - Central Admin Support Services
      06504022 - CASS Administration
      06504023 - CASS IT Support Services
    06505000 - Auxiliary Services
      06502000 - Parking & Transportation Svcs
      06505100 - Office of Auxiliary Services
      06505200 - Donaldson Brown Center
  06300000 - Division of Human Resource Services
    06301000 - HRS Office of the VP
    06302000 - HRS
  06400000 - Department of Public Safety
  06500000 - Operations & Planning
    06500100 - Office of Operations&Planning
    06500200 - Construction and Facilities Procurement 
    06501000 - Environmental Health & Safety
        06504036 - OM MBI
        06504037 - OM MIEMMS
    06506000 - National Museum of Dentistry
    06507000 - Design & Construction Services
      06507100- Design & Construction State
      06507200- Design & Construction Self Sup
      06507300- In House Design Services
      06507400- Design & Construction Regional
    06508000 - Facilities Maintenance
      06508100- Maintenance and Operations Adm
      06508110 - Community Engagement Center Maintenance
      06508200- Facilities Maint Admin Support
        06508210 - Maint and Operations Shop Supt
        06508220 - Maint and Operations Contracts
      06508300 - FM Environmental Services
      06508400 - Facilities Maint Bld Maint
        06508401- Maint and Operations Bldg Supt
        06508410- Facilities Maint Electrical
          06508411 - Electrical Support
          06508412 - Electric Shop
          06508413 - High Voltage Shop
          06508414 - Elevator Shop
          06508415 - Electronics Shop
        06508430- Facilities Maint Mech Trades
          06508431 - Mechanical Support
          06508432 - HVAC Shop
          06508433 - Plumbing Shop
          06508434 - Off Shift Shop
        06508450- Facilities Maint Struct Trades
          06508451 - Structural Support
          06508452 - Lock Shop
          06508453 - Zone Maintenance Shop
          06508454 - Structural Projects
          06508455 - Paint Shop
        06508470- Facilities Maint Bldg Auto Sys
          06508471 - Building Automation Systems
    06509000 - Facilities Operations
      06509100 - EVS Custodial Services
      06509210 - EVS Moving & Storage
      06509310 - Utility Management
      06509400 - Facilities Ops Bldgs & Grounds
        06509410 - EVS Pest Control
        06509420 - EVS Grounds Shop
  06600000 - Spon Proj Acctng & Compliance
  06700000 - Real Estate Planning & Space Mgt
  06800000 - Maryland Global Initiatives
  06805000 - Emergency Management
07000000 - Center for Information Technology Services
  07100000 - CITS Operations
08000000 - School of Nursing
  08100000 - SON Deans Office
  08110000 - SON Office of Communications
  08150000 - SON Development & Alumni Rel
  08200000 - SON Clinical Practices & Srvcs
  08250000 - SON Academic Affairs
  08300000 - SON Office of Research
  08350000 - SON Administrative Services
  08370000 - SON Office of Global Health
  08400000 - SONStrategicPartnership&Initia
  08450000 - SON Adult Health Nursing
  08500000 - SON Family & Community Health
  08550000 - SON Nurs Ed Adm Info&Hlth Pcy
  08600000 - SON Child/Womens/Family Hlth
  08650000 - SON Student Affairs
  08700000 - SON Center Health Workforce Development
  08750000 - SON Info & Learning Technology
  08800000 - Facilities
  08850000 - Moving and Special Events
  08900000 - Faculty Affairs
  08950000 - School-Wide
  08970000 - SON Shady Grove
  08980000 - SON Pain & Trans Symptom Sci
09000000 - School of Social Work
  09100000 - SSW Instruction
    09101000 - SSW General Instruction
    09102000 - SSW Field Instruction
    09103000 - SSW SWCOS
    09104000 - SSW Continuing Education
    09105000 - SSW Shady Grove MSW
    09106000 - SSW Promise Heights
  09150000 - SSW Outreach Services
  09200000 - SSW Academic Affairs
    09201000 - SSW Academic Admin
    09202000 - SSW Academic Computing
    09203000 - SSW External Affairs
    09204000 - SSW Media Center
    09205000 - SSW Research Development
    09206000 - SSW Welfare & Child Support
  09250000 - SSW Welfare & Child Support
  09300000 - SSW Administrative Services
    09301000 - SSW Office of the Dean
    09302000 - SSW Administrative Services
    09303000 - SSW Development
  09350000 - SSW Child Welfare Center
  09400000 - SSW Financial Aid
    09401000 - SSW School Based
    09402000 - SSW Foundation Based
    09403000 - SSW Other Based
  09450000 - SSW Ruth H Young Cntr for F&C
  09460000 - SSW The Institute I & I
  09460001 - Institute I & I (budget only)
    09460100 - SSW Institute Personnel
    09461000 - SSW Adult Services
    09461100 - SSW Intimate Partner Violence
    09461200 - SSW Juvenile Justice
    09461300 - SSW Mental Health
    09461400 - SSW Parenting
    09461500 - SSW Physical Health
    09461600 - SSW Poverty & Economic Stability
    09461700 - SSW Prevention & Early Intervention
    09461800 - SSW SOGIE
    09461900 - SSW Substance Abuse
    09462000  - SSW Child Welfare
    09462100 - SSW Trafficking/Exploitation
    09463000 - SSW Community Outreach
    09463100 - SSW Welfare
    09464000 - SSW Criminal Justice
    09465000 - SSW Education
    09466000 - SSW Housing & Homelessness
    09467000 - SSW Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health
    09468000 - SSW Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
    09469000 - SSW Interagency Initiatives
  09470000 - SSW SAFE Center
  09480000 - SSW Gnl Research & Sponsored Proj
  09500000 - SSW Student Services
    09501000 - SSW Admissions
    09502000 - SSW Registration
    09503000 - SSW Student Activities
    09504000 - SSW PhD Students
    09505000 - SSW Students
10000000 - School of Medicine
  10100000 - SOM Deans Office
  10100500 - SOM Deans General/Budget
    10101000 - SOM Office of the Dean
    10102000 - SOM Academic Affairs
      10102010 - SOM Office of Sr Assc Dean AA
      10102020 - SOM Admissions
      10102030 - SOM GME/CME
      10102040 - SOM Student Research
      10102050 - SOM Student Affairs
      10102060 - SOM Student & Fac Development
      10102070 - SOM Office of Medical Ed
      10102080 - SOM Illustrative Services
    10103000 - SOM Development
    10104000 - SOM Policy & Planning
    10105000 - SOM Research & Grad Studies
      10105010 - SOM Office of Research & Grad Studies
      10105020 - SOM Human Research Protections Office
      10105030 - SOM Veterinary Resources
      10105040 - SOM MD/PhD Program
      10105050 - SOM Bioinformatics
      10105060 - SOM Office of Animal Welfare
      10105070 - SOM UMB Freezer Program
      10105080 - SOM GCRC
      10105090 - SOM Center for Clinical Trials
      10105100 - SOM Genomics Core Facility
      10105110 - SOM Grad Program in Life Sciences (GPILS)
        10105111 - GPILS Administration
        10105112 - GPILS Pgm in Biochem
        10105113 - GPILS Pgm in Molecular Bio & Imm
        10105114 - GPILS Pgm in Molecular Medicine
        10105115 - GPILS Pgm in Neuroscience
        10105116 - GPILS Gerontology
        10105117 - GPILS Epidemiology & Human Gen
        10105118 - GPILS Toxicology
        10105119 - GPILS PTRS
      10105120 - SOM Transgenic Core Facility
      10105130 - SOM Pre-Clinical Research Lab
      10105140 - SOM Ctr for Stem Cell Biology
    10106000 - SOM Resource Management
      10106010 - SOM Office of Resource Management
      10106020 - SOM Academic Administration
      10106030 - SOM Anatomical Services
      10106040 - SOM Video Press
    10107000 - SOM Public Relations & Public Affairs
    10108000 - SOM Clinical Affairs
    10109000 - SOM Information Services
    10110000 - SOM Deans Academic Commitments
  10200000 - SOM Centers/Programs/ORCs
    10202000 - SOM Center for Clinical Trials
    10205000 - SOM Oncology Program
    10206000 - SOM Program in Trauma
      10206010 - Trauma Administration
      10206020 - Trauma Surgery
      10206030 - Trauma Surgical Critical Care
      10206031 - Trauma Meritus Hospital
      10206032 - Trauma Charles Regional Hosp
      10206033 - Trauma-PGHC Critical Care
      10206034 - Trauma-PGHC Surgery
      10206035 - Trauma-BonSecour Critical Care
      10206040 - Trauma Anesthesia
      10206050 - Trauma Plastic Surgery
      10206060 - Trauma Infectious Disease
      10206070 - Trauma Hyperbaric Med
      10206080 - Trauma Research
        10206081 - Trauma Rsrch - Pulmonary
        10206082 - Trauma Rsrch - Critical Care
        10206083 - Trauma Rsrch - Clinical Outcomes
        10206084 - Trauma Rsrch - Hyperbaric Med
        10206085 - Trauma Rsrch - Infectious Disease
        10206086 - Trauma Rsrch - CORE
        10206087 - Trauma Rsrch - Patient Safety
        10206088 - Trauma Rsrch - Plastic Surgery
        10206089 - STAR Neurotrauma Lab
        10206090 - Trauma-Translational Research
    10207000 - Institute of Human Virology
      10207010 - IHV Epidemiology Division
      10207020 - IHV Clinical Division
      10207030 - IHV Family Medicine
      10207040 - IHV Vaccine
      10207050 - IHV Administration
      10207060 - IHV Basic Science
      10207070 - IHV Animal Models
      10207080 - IHV CIHEB
      10207090 - IHV Immunotherapy
    10208000 - Center for Integrative Medicine
    10209000 - National Study Center
    10210000 - SOM Genetics Counseling
    10211000 - SOM Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Disease
    10212000 - Institute for Global Health
    10213000 - Institute of Genome Sciences
    10214000 - Biomedical Engineering & Tech
    10215000 - SOM Inst Marine & Environ Tech
    10216000 - Ctr Biomolecular Therapeutics
    10217000 - Clinical Translational Science
    10218000 - CVD and Global Health
      10218100 - CVD Geographic Medicine 
      10218200 - CVD PEDS ID
    10219000 - STAR-ORC (budget only)
      10219100 - STAR Administration
      10219200 - STAR Anesthesiology Research
      10219210 - STAR Anes Clinical Research 
      10219220 - STAR A Faden Lab 
      10219230 - STAR B Hu Lab 
      10219240 - STAR G Fiskum Lab
      10219250 - STAR K Birukov Lab
      10219260 - STAR W Chao Lab
      10219300 - STAR National Study Center
      10219400 - STAR Trauma Research
      10219410 - STAR Trauma Pulmonary
      10219420 - STAR Trauma Unfunded
      10219430 - STAR Trauma Core
      10219440 - STAR Trauma Patient Safety
      10219450 - STAR Trauma Plastic Surgery
      10219460 - STAR Neurotrauma Lab
      10219470 - STAR Translational Research
  10300000 - SOM Basic Science Departments
    10301000 - Anatomy & Neurobiology
    10302000 - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    10303000 - Microbiology
    10304000 - Pharmacology
    10304100 - Epigenetic Rsrch in Child&Bran
    10305000 - Physiology
  10400000 - SOM Clinical Departments
    10401000 - Anesthesiology
      10401010 - Anesthesiology General
      10401011 - Anesthesiology Education
      10401020 - Anesthesiology Cardiac
      10401030 - Anesthesiology Pediatrics
      10401040 - Anesthesiology Pain
      10401050 - Anesthesiology OB-GYN
      10401060 - Anesthesiology Research
      10401061 - Anesth Lung Biology Research
      10401070 - Anesthesiology Kernan
      10401080 - Anesthesiology Critical Care
    10402000 - Dermatology
    10403000 - Diagnostic Radiology
    10404000 - Emergency Medicine
    10405000 - Epidemiology & Public Health
      10405010 - EPH Administration
      10405020 - EPH Education
      10405030 - EPH Preventive Medicine
      10405040 - EPH Molecular Epidemiology
      10405050 - EPH Preventive Medicine - Lab
      10405060 - EPH Cancer Epidemiology
      10405070 - EPH Genomic Epi & Cln Outcomes
      10405080 - EPH Translational Toxicology
      10405090 - EPH Biostatistics/Informatics
      10405100 - EPH Gerontology
      10405110 - EPH International Health
      10405120 - EPH Cln Trnsltnl Rsrch Inf Ctr
      10405130 - EPH MPH Program
    10406000 - Family Medicine
    10407000 - Medical & Research Technology
    10408000 - Medicine
      10408010 - Med Chairmans Office
      10408011 - Med Chairman Office Davis
      10408012 - Med Clinical Geriatrics
      10408020 - Med Administration
        10408021 - Med Administrative Office
        10408022 - Med Finance & Payroll
        10408023 - Med Information Systems
        10408024 - Med Grant Management
      10408030 - Med Admin Faculty
      10408040 - Med Education
      10408050 - Med Cardiology
      10408060 - Med Endocrinology
      10408070 - Med Gastroenterology
      10408080 - Med General Internal Medicine
      10408085 - Med Occupational & Environ
      10408090 - Med Geographic Medicine
      10408100 - Med Gerontology
      10408110 - Med Hypertension
      10408120 - Med Infectious Disease
      10408130 - Med Nephrology
      10408140 - Med Pulmonary
      10408150 - Med Rheumatology
      10408160 - Med VA Administration
      10408170 - Med Budget/General
      10408180 - Med Policy & Planning
      10408190 - Med Palliative Medicine
    10409000 - Neurology
      10409010 - Neu Office of Chairman
      10409020 - Neu Administration
      10409030 - Neu General
      10409040 - Neu Multiple Sclerosis
      10409050 - Neu Rehab
      10409060 - Neu Movement Division
      10409070 - Neu Stroke & BAT
      10409080 - Neu Neuromuscular
      10409090 - Neu Epilepsy Clinical & Research
        10409091 - Neu Epilepsy Clinical
        10409092 - Neu Epilepsy Research
      10409100 - Neu Neuropsych & Cognitive
        10409101 - Neu Neuropsychology
        10409102 - Neu Cognitive Neuropsychology
    10410000 - Neurosurgery
    10411000 - OB-GYN
    10411002 - OB-GYN (Budget only)
      10411001 - OB Chair
      10411010 - OB Administration
      10411020 - OB Maternal Fetal Medicine
      10411030 - OB Urogynecology
      10411040 - OB GYN Oncology
      10411050 - OB Generalists
      10411060 - OB Midwifery
      10411070 - OB Clinical Research
      10411080 - OB Basic Life Science Research
      10411090 - OB Resident Education
      10411100 - OB Fellowship Education
      10411110 - OB Student Education
    10412000 - Ophthalmology
    10413000 - Orthopedics
    10414000 - Pathology
      10414010 - Pathology Administration
      10414020 - Clinical Pathology
      10414030 - Anatomic Pathology
      10414040 - Pathology Cytogenetics
      10414050 - Pathology Research
      10414060 - Pathology Graduate Program
      10414070 - Pathology Promptstat
      10414080 - Pathology Promptprint
    10415000 - Pediatrics
      10415010 - Peds Chair
      10415020 - Peds Administration
      10415030 - Peds Brain Research
      10415040 - Peds Genetics
      10415050 - Peds Adolescent Med
      10415060 - Peds Behavioral & Developmental
      10415070 - Peds Cardiology
      10415080 - Peds Child Protection
      10415090 - Peds Critical Care
      10415100 - Peds Endocrinology
      10415110 - Peds Gastroenterology
      10415120 - Peds General
      10415130 - Peds Hematology/Oncology
      10415140 - Peds Comm Ped & Adolescent Med
      10415150 - Peds Infectious & Tropical Dis
      10415160 - Peds Neonatology
      10415170 - Peds Nephrology
      10415180 - Peds Neurology
      10415190 - Peds Pulmonology/Allergy
      10415200 - Peds Education
      10415210 - Peds North Arundel
      10415220 - Peds Genetics Lab
      10415230 - Peds Gastroenterology Lab
      10415240 - Peds Mercy
      10415250 - Peds Emergency Med
      10415260 - Peds Montgomery General
      10415270 - Peds Growth & Nutrition
      10415280 - Peds Hospitalist Program
      10415290 - Peds ORC MBRC
      10415300 - Peds Ctr Infant & Child Loss
      10415310 - Peds Faculty Research
      10415320 - Peds CBOTH
    10416000 - Physical Therapy
    10417000 - Psychiatry
      10417010 - Psych Administration
        10417011 - Psych Admin Office
        10417012 - Psych Office of the Chair
        10417013 - Psych Executive Office
        10417014 - Psych Financial Mgmt
        10417015 - Psych Information Systems
        10417016 - Psych Operations & HR/PR
      10417020 - Psych Adult
      10417030 - Addiction Research & Treatment
      10417040 - Psych Ctr Mental Hlth Serv Res
        10417041 - Psych CMHSR General
        10417042 - Psych Ctr for Beh Hlth Just & PP
        10417043 - Psych MHSIC
      10417050 - Child Psychiatry
        10417051 - Child Psychiatry General
        10417052 - Center for Infant Study (CIS)
        10417053 - Psych CSMHA School
      10417060 - Community Psychiatry General
      10417070 - Psych Consultation Liaison
      10417080 - Psych EAP/Behavioral Hlth
      10417090 - Psych Education
      10417100 - Psych Geriatrics
      10417110 - Maryland Psych Research Center
        10417111 - MPRC General
        10417112 - MPRC Administration
        10417113 - MPRC Neuroscience
        10417114 - MPRC Schizophrenia Disorders
        10417115 - MPRC Inpatient
        10417116 - MPRC Outpatient
        10417117 - MPRC Imaging
      10417120 - Psych Psychology
      10417130 - Walter P Carter Center
      10417140 - Psych Balto VA Admin
      10417150 - Psych Midtown
      10417160 - Telepsychiatry
    10418000 - Radiation Oncology
      10418010 - Administration
      10418020 - Clinical/Physics Protocols
      10418030 - Radiation Oncology Research DTRS
      10418040 - Radiation Oncology Physics
      10418050 - Radiation Oncology Rsch Other
    10419000 - Surgery
      10419010 - Surgery Administration
      10419020 - Surgery Research Adm
      10419030 - General Surgery
      10419040 - Otolaryngology
      10419050 - Urology
      10419060 - Cardiac Surgery
      10419070 - Thoracic Surgery
      10419080 - Vascular Surgery
      10419090 - Surgical Oncology
      10419100 - Transplant Surgery
      10419110 - Plastic Surgery
      10419120 - Pediatric Surgery
      10419130 - Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases
      10419140 - Surgical Sciences
    10420000 - OtoRhinolaryngology
11000000 - School of Law
  11100000 - SOL Academic Support
    11101000 - SOL Office of the Dean
    11102000 - SOL Career Development
    11103000 - SOL Alumni Development
    11104000 - SOL Student Affairs
    11105000 - SOL Admissions
    11106000 - SOL Registration
    11107000 - SOL Administration
    11108000 - SOL Computer Development
    11109000 - SOL Communications & Events
  11200000 - SOL Instruction
    11201000 - SOL Academic Affairs
      11201010 - SOL Faculty
      11201020 - SOL Adjuncts
    11202000 - SOL Clinical Law Program
    11203000 - SOL Cardin Program
    11204000 - SOL Health Law Program
    11205000 - SOL Environmental Law
    11206000 - SOL Audio Visual/Technology
    11207000 - SOL Student Aid
    11208000 - SOL Ctr for Homeland Security
    11209000 - SOL Journals
    11210000 - SOL MPower
  11300000 - SOL Law Library
  11500000 - SOL ROAR
12000000 - School of Pharmacy
  12100000 - SOP Deans Administration
    12100100 - SOP Administration & Finance
    12100200 - SOP Dean's Suite
    12100300 - SOP Computing Network Services
    12100400 - SOP Marketing & Communications
    12100500 - SOP Development & Alumni Aff
    12100600 - SOP Experiential Learning
    12100700 - SOP Research & Adv Grad Studie
    12100800 - SOP Shady Grove
    12100900 - SOP Student Affairs
    12101000 - SOP Facilities
    12102000 - SOP Academic Affairs
    12103000 - SOP Instructional Technology
    12104000 - SOP Office of Graduate Program
    12900000 - SOP School Wide Activities
  12200000 - SOP Pharmaceutical Sci Dept
  12300000 - SOP Pharmacy Prac & Sci Dept
    12301000 - PPS Academic Support
    12302000 - PPS Programs
      12302100 - PPS Residency Program
      12302200 - PPS Clinical Sciences Program
      12302300 - PPS Geriatrics Program
      12302400 - PPS Hospice Program
      12302500 - PPS General
    12303000 - PPS Maryland Poison Center
    12304000 - PPS Mental Health Program
    12305000 - PPS - CIPS
    12306000 - PPS - Translational Medicine
  12400000 - SOP Pharm Hlth Srv Rsch
13000000 - School of Dentistry
  13100000 - SOD General Administration
    13100500 - SOD General
    13101000 - SOD Office of the Dean
    13102000 - SOD Information Services
    13103000 - SOD Office of Admissions
    13104000 - SOD Development & Alumni Relat
    13105000 - SOD Student Affairs
    13106000 - SOD Support
    13107000 - SOD Continuing Dental Education
    13108000 - SOD Deans Fac & Enrichment Program
    13109000 - SOD Facilities Support Service
    13110000 - SOD Communications
    13111000 - SOD Philanthropy
    13112000 - SOD Academic Affairs
  13200000 - SOD Basic Science
    13201000 - SOD Research Administration
    13202000 - SOD Neural and Pain Sciences
    13203000 - SOD Microbial Pathogenesis
    13203100 - SOD Microbial-IMET
  13300000 - SOD Clinical Science
    13301000 - SOD Adv. Oral Sci.(AOST)
      13301010 - SOD Div of Pediatric Dentistry
      13301020 - SOD Dental Hygiene Program
      13301030 - SOD Div of General Dentistry
      13301040 - SOD Dental Public Health
      13301050 - SOD AEGD
      13309030 - SOD Division of Operative Dentistry
    13302000 - SOD Dental Hygiene Program
    13303000 - SOD Oncology & Diagnostic Sci
      13303010 - SOD Division of Diagnostic Sciences
      13303020 - SOD Division of Oncology
      13303030 - SOD ODS Administration
    13305000 - SOD Oral Maxillo Surgery
    13306000 - SOD Orthodontics
    13307000 - SOD Pediatric Dentistry
    13308000 - SOD Periodontics
    13309000 - SOD Endodontics/Pros/Oper Dent
      13309010 - SOD Division of Endodontics
      13309020 - SOD Division of Prosthodontics
      13309040 - SOD AOST Administration
      13309050 - SOD Biomat & Tissue Engineering
  13400000 - SOD Patient Care Support Services
    13401000 - SOD Predoctoral Clinics
    13402000 - SOD AEGD Clinic
    13403000 - SOD ASE Clinics
    13404000 - SOD Clinical Support Services
    13405000 - SOD Special Patient Clinic
    13406000 - SOD Central Material Services
    13407000 - SOD Clinics at Shady Grove
    13408000 - SOD Student Clinic Rev/Exp
    13409000 - SOD Radiology
    13410000 - SOD UM Health Clinics
      13410010 - SOD Cecil County Facility
      13410020 - SOD UM Health Clinics-MDH
  13500000 - National Museum of Dentistry
    13501000 - NMD General Administration
    13502000 - NMD Curatorial
    13503000 - NMD Development
    13504000 - NMD Communications
    13505000 - NMD Education/Public Programs
15000000 - School of Graduate Studies
  04200000 - School of Graduate Studies Deans Office
    04201000 - School of Graduate Studies Support Svcs
    04202000 - SGS Instruction & Acad Prgms
    04203000 - Graduate Research Assts 
      04203010 - SGS GRA Dental
      04203020 - SGS GRA Nursing
      04203030 - SGS GRA Social Work
      04203040 - SGS GRA Pharmacy
      04203050 - SGS GRA Biochemistry
      04203060 - SGS GRA Epidemiology
      04203070 - SGS GRA Microbiology
      04203080 - SGS GRA Neuroscience
      04203090 - SGS GRA Pathology
      04203100 - SGS GRA Pharmacology
      04203110 - SGS GRA Physical Therapy
      04203120 - SGS GRA Physiology
      04203130 - SGS GRA Anatomy
      04203140 - SGS GRA Human Genetics
      04203150 - SGS GRA Molecular Medicine
      04203160 - SGS GRA PHSR
  04600000 - SGS Interprofessional Prgms
  15001000 - School of Graduate Studies Support Servic
  15002000 - SGS Instruction & Acadmc Prgrms
  15003000 - Graduate Research Assistants
  15003100 - SGS GRA Medicine GPILS
  15003200 - SGS GRA Dentistry
  15003300 - SGS GRA Nursing
  15003400 - SGS GRA Social Work
  15003500 - SGS GRA Pharmacy
  15004000 - SGS Interprofessional Programs
  15005000 – SGS SAFE Center