Loading Dock Sprinkler System

new red pipes installed in the ceiling loading dock area for a new sprinkler systemThe spinkler system that covers the loading dock area on the back of the building requires all new piping. A steam malfunction in May 2019 caused the loading dock sprinkler system to acxtivate, as such the sprinkler pipes located behind drywall were not conducive to the pressure of the steam and started splitting above the ceiling. We are installing all new piping for the sprinkler system on the outside of the loading dock ceiling.

The new location of the pipes will help identify leaks in a more efficient manner in the future.  Additionally, a new drain will be installed to re-reoute any water from the sprinkler system away from the HSHSL back entrance. The picture shows the new red spinrkler pipes getting installed in the loading dock area. 

Current Project Status: Completed