Project Information Form

SPA's Team Black supports specific, pre-designated departments that have acquired these services. Team Black requires several weeks before any deadline to assist with proposal development. Please do not complete the Project Information Form until you have verified with your Dean's office that Team Black supports your department. If you are interested in working with Team Black, please get in touch with Jill Frankenfield.

The Project Information Form collects details for entry of your proposal into Kuali Research by Sponsored Programs Administration, Team Black.

Please be prepared to answer all questions and submit the form. You cannot save and return to the form.

Upon submitting the online form, you will receive a confirmation email. Then, within one to two business days, you will receive a reply from a member of Team Black that will provide information with due dates and documents required.

Additional instructions for proposals with subrecipients 

If your proposal involves subrecipients: 

Ask each subrecipient to submit via email to Team Black:

  • Detailed Budget ( Adobe budget file, or Excel file or Word doc of sponsor-specific forms)
  • Budget Justification
  • If UMCP: signed Empowering the State letter
  • Letter from Subrecipient PI expressing intent to collaborate on this project
  • Biosketches for Subrecipient PI and other Key Personnel
  • Additional administrative items as required by the RFA


Department Owner Code: Number assigned to each unit on UMB campus that is part of the financial chartstring numbering system. Contract your Department business office for assistance in determining these numbers.

Key Personnel: Personnel involved in the design and direction of the project. The PI and subrecipient PIs are always Key. Generally does not include research assistants, postdocs or other personnel who are working under the direction of an investigator. It is the individual in the role who is key (that person's expertise is critical to the success of the project); therefore a to-be-named (TBN, TBA) position cannot be designated as Key.

Select Agents: Certain biological agents and toxins, which have the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant projects. Use of these agents is regulated by the federal government.

MPowering the State: A collaborative working relationship between the UM Baltimore and UM College Park campuses that is designed to promote innovation and impact through collaboration.

Multi-PI: A co-equal Principal Investigator for the project, equally responsible for the oversight and conduct of the project. Not the same as a co-investigator. (Multi-PI terminology is primarily used by NIH.) See the SPA information about multi-PI proposals.

Other Significant Contributor: An individual who is contributing to the project but is not performing part of the project work and is not going to spend a measurable amount of effort on this project. (Examples: a colleague who is providing a model organism for use on the project; a colleague who has agreed to be available to provide expert advice to the PI on an occasional basis, but who is not involved in the conduct of the work, analysis of the results, or contributing to publications for the project)

RFA: Request for Application or any funding announcement distributed by a Sponsor for the purpose of soliciting applications/proposals and providing information about how to submit them.

Fill out my online form.