Grievances, Complaints, and Collective Bargaining

Grievance Filing Process

UMB encourages the informal resolution of employee complaints. To that end, employees should present such complaints for review and discussion as soon as possible to a University representative who has authority to address the complaint. Such review and discussions should be held with a goal to reaching an understanding and resolving the complaint in a manner satisfactory to the employee without the need for recourse to the formal grievance procedure prescribed in the Collective Bargaining Agreements. If the complaint is not resolved by such informal discussion, the employee may proceed to file a grievance consistent with the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


A grievance is any cause of complaint arising between an employee and the University on a matter concerning discipline, alleged discrimination, promotion, assignment, or interpretation or application of University rules or departmental procedures over which the University management has control. Complaints pertaining to the general level of wages, wage patterns, fringe benefits, or to other broad areas of financial management and staffing are not grievable.


Collective Bargaining Agreements