July 2019

July 31, 2019  |  Nationally renowned surgeon-scientist will be the first woman to lead the Department of Surgery at the UM School of Medicine.

July 31, 2019  |  Congressman Elijah Cummings visits UMB, tells youths “there’s greatness in you.”

July 31, 2019  |  University of Maryland, Baltimore to begin renovation of $8 million Community Engagement Center as centerpiece of its community campus.

July 30, 2019  |  UMB co-sponsored the successful “The Future of Public Ed” Conference from July 8-10, 2019.

press release

July 30, 2019  |  The University System of Maryland (USM) has named Claire Broido Johnson, MBA, as Managing Director of the Maryland Momentum Fund (MMF).

July 29, 2019  |  HRSA grant award addresses growing shortage of primary care providers in Maryland communities

in the news

July 24, 2019  |  This summer 78 students are participating in the Summer Bioscience Internship Program, one sector of the YouthWorks Program at UMB.

press release

July 19, 2019  |  Pumas-AI, a company founded by University of Maryland School of Pharmacy faculty members releases Pumas software platform to advance drug development, patient care.

in the news

July 17, 2019  |  Southwest Baltimore students "speed network" with presidents of several universities about their academic journeys and their futures in higher education at the Inside Higher Ed Now Conference.

July 12, 2019  |  An interactive event held by the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy PATIENTS Program aims to improve the way research is understood by community residents, patients, and researchers.

July 3, 2019  |  The University of Maryland, Baltimore opens a series of community events to share the expertise of its scientists and clinicians specializing in chronic pain research.

July 2, 2019  |  New Center for Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis will focus on developing diagnostics and therapeutics with the aim of revolutionizing emergency medicine.