Fiscal Year 2012 Education Aid

In fiscal year 2012, $156,654,476 of education aid was put to use by University of Maryland students.  This amount of funding was a 1% increase over fiscal year 2011.  Education aid reported for fiscal year 2012 includes intercampus students. the UM Student Financial Assistance & Education Office

Education Aid summaries provide grouped data using the categories of awards as defined by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.  Learn more...

2012 Education Aid Summaries:

2012 Education Aid Awards by School:

2011 & 2012 Education Aid Comparisons:

2012 Scholarship Awards:

See Also:

Category Types:

Loans:  Education assistance that requires repayment in service or cash.  Loan Specifics

Scholarships: Education assistance awards that are made primarily based on criteria other than demonstrated financial need such as scholastic achievement, athletic skills, community involvement or other criteria.  The awards may be made from state, federal, institutional, or private sources.  Scholarship Specifics

Grants: Education assistance awards that are made primarily on the basis of financial needs and require no repayment in service or cash.  This includes aid programs where the most important criterion is need.  Grant Specifics

Work-Study:  Education assistance awarded to pay for employment provided to students based on financial need, merit, or mission-related goals.  These also include work-study programs funded by the Federal government, as well as student employment programs financed solely with institutional or other non-governmental funds.  However, this category does not include regular employees taking courses or employment that is not part of a formal education package.  Work-Study Specifics