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Learning Opportunity: Interprofessional Responses to Intimate Partner Violence

July 14, 2017

The UMB Community Collaborative on Intimate Partner Violence is sponsoring the one-credit elective course "Interprofessional Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: What We All Need to Know."

About the Course

This course is comprised of seven consecutive sessions and will be held on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. beginning on Sept. 20 and ending on Nov. 1. Course instructors will include faculty and staff from the schools of social work, law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant societal problem, which has persisted despite efforts to eradicate it using numerous intervention strategies. In this course, the student will be introduced to key concepts, processes, measurements, and related theories across diverse practice settings (i.e. dentistry, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work) to be able to effectively address IPV in practice.

We will cover Issues related to those who experience and witness IPV as well as those who perpetrate IPV, including social and cultural factors (e.g., race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status) associated with IPV, including theory practice on intersectionality. The student will explore various strategies established for ending IPV and clinical, policy, and social change interventions from an interprofessional perspective.

Course activities will be designed to help the student think critically and apply understanding of theories from the individual to macro levels of intervention and change across practice settings in social work, law, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine.

Weekly Class Topics

  • Class 1: Definitions, Prevalence and Impact of IPV
  • Class 2: History and Theories of IPV
  • Class 3: Practice: Social Work and Law (Screening for IPV, IPV Programs [crisis, clinical, advocacy], Civil and Criminal Legal Options, Child Welfare Advocates and Victim Advocates, and Safety vs. Autonomy)
  • Class 4: Practice: Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy (How Is IPV Visible in My Practice?, Screening and Brief Interventions in Health Settings, Intimate Partner Sexual Violence, and Reproductive Coercion)
  • Class 5: Policy (Local, State, and Federal Law and Policies, Limitations of Current Practice, Promising Practices, and Reporting Requirements)
  • Class 6: Special Populations/Considerations (Minority, Immigrant, LGTB, HIV, Disabled, and Male Victims, Intersection of IPV and Human Trafficking, and Adolescent Relationship Abuse)
  • Class 7: Where are we now? Where do we need to go? (Best Practices, Intersectionality, Social Justice, and Social Change)


To enroll, contact your school’s registration office. For additional information on the topics covered in this course, please email Lisa Fedina.

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