
LEED Buildings

full building view of HSF3

UMB has built all new renovations and buildings to the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Silver standards since 2007. Following LEED standards helps save money, conserve energy, reduce water consumption, improve indoor air quality, and make better building material choices. To take things a step further, UMB has certified three buildings and two campus spaces.

Building/Space Name 

Rating System 

Certification Level 

Date Certified 

University of Maryland BioPark 

LEED BD+C: Core and Shell 



UMB Pharmacy Hall Addition 

LEED BD+C: New Construction 



Bressler Research Building Seventh-Floor Renovation 

LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors 



UMB Health Sciences Research Facility III

LEED BD+C: New Construction 



UMB Design and Construction Office Suite 

LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors 



Indoor Green Spaces

D&C Green Wall in the Lexington Building

Visit the sixth floor of the Lexington Building, which boasts a 20-foot-long living green wall that helps with filtering the air, provides greenery for the office space, and uses a sophisticated irrigation system that reduces the need for water (see photo above). Stop by the School of Nursing addition to check out their new green wall as well.

Legislation and Requirements

The University of Maryland, Baltimore must comply with various legislative requirements and state-issued standards and specifications for buildings and landscaping. To learn more about some of the major requirements that guide our campus development, visit the links below.